Cade has been saying some crazy things lately but his newest word is something to the effect of S**T!! First let start off by saying that we do not cuss at our house so how this has gotten in his vocabulary we are still unsure. I feel certain that he is not actually saying that word but we have yet to figure out what he is actually trying to say. Last night he was looking for a block under the couch and it sounded like he said "OH S**T!!". Josh and I both looked at each other and he said "did you hear that??" This word also tends to come out when he brings me something to see such as my phone he will give it to me and say "S**T" or the TV remote he will bring it to me and say "S**T" mom seems to think that he is saying "See it" which could be very possible but it still gives us a good laugh every time we hear it. I can't help but wonder though if is it comes out at inappropriate times such as at daycare or even worse at church! I would hope that everyone knows us well enough to not think down on us as parents....I love that little boy!! That's right....I think he is super cute :)
One of our favorite shows to watch at night is Wheel of Fortune while I am either making dinner or sometimes it is on when we are eating dinner. Cade has always loved watching this show because after people pick a letter or solve a puzzle, everyone claps. Since he was a baby he has always clapped on que and still thinks it is so fun to do. However, within the last week he has started yelling out letters during the puzzles. He will yell "A" and just keep repeating the letter until it's time to call another one and here comes "L" or "O", etc. You get the point!! It is the cutest thing.... We have foam letters that we use in the bathtub at night that stick to the side of the tub and we always yell out the letters and even though he doesn't identify between the letters just yet, he is apparently learning how to say them!! He amazes me every day at how quick he picks up on things! I guess having such a big head makes him super smart :)
Many more stories to come from this little guy soon...he is constantly doing something to keep us entertained!! My favorite is watching the two boys interact together. Brooks loves to laugh at anything Cade does and Cade loves to entertain!! I am looking so forward to them growing up together and being so close.