Thursday, July 31, 2014

Last Day of Daycare

Cade's last day of daycare was today!!
He was both happy and sad about it....I caught both expressions!!
What a great 5 years it has been. He was blessed to be a part of a great daycare at Bright Beginnings under the direction of Mrs. Stacey. We are so thankful for the years he had there growing and learning and we look forward to watching his learning excel as he continues into "big boy school"!!

He will be starting Pre-K in a week so stay tuned for picture from his first day of Pre-K!! 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Strep Sickness

A few weeks ago, Brooks woke up in the  middle of the night throwing up. I immediately assumed it was a stomach virus and began my ritual of sanitizing every inch of the house!! He started running a high fever later that day, but the throw up subsided after I started giving him Zofran.
When he was medicated with Zofran and advil he acted fine so I just assumed it would pass, but called the doctor to talk about his fever since it was so high. She suggested that I bring him in the next day if it didn't stop to test him for strep throat. I really didn't think that's what it was since he was eating and drinking fine.
Later that night he started feeling really bad, asking for medicine for his throat and that's when I realized the doctor was probably right. We got an appointment the next morning and sure enough, it was strep throat!!!
First time either of the boys had it, I felt terrible.....since I was so sure that his sickness was a stomach virus!! This was the first time I cried in the doctor's office!! Poor buddy felt terrible, so we quickly got his medicine and went home for some good snuggle time!

Three weeks started having fever, throat hurting and fatigue. He would tell me when he would cough, his throat would hurt. I took him to work with me that morning until we could get a doctors appointment, but sure enough, he had strep throat too!!
In a matter of weeks both of my boys had strep for the first time!!!

Cade was sad he had to get his throat swabbed, but happy we were able to get him medicine quickly to help him feel much better!! 
Luckily the boys have been pretty healthy this year despite the two rounds of strep we had lately!! Hopefully our luck will continue after this round. Their immune systems should start kicking in soon...right??!!

8th Grade Prep!

We are busy this week getting Dani ready for school. Hair cut, dental appointments, school orientation AND getting contacts!! Growin' up and looking beautiful....I can't believe she is going to be in 8th grade!!!! 
Check out this cute haircut!!
Stay tuned for 8th grade adventures!! 

Funny Picture Friday

Cutest trash boy around!!
Buy the boys some new John Deere gloves and you can get them to contribute to some serious "work"!! And they are pretty cute to top it all off!

Until next time! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Houston Children's Museum

Last weekend we took a little visit to Houston to see DD and Grandpere.
We took the boys to the Children's Museum downtown in Houston

They had a blast playing on all of the toys. Some of the areas were a little too old for them, but regardless they improvised and had fun!! 

 Cade's favorite part was this cool little climbing went three stories tall and Cade climbed all the way to the top by himself three times!! Brooks was very hesitant and would only go a little bit before he would turn around and come down. Quite opposite of their personalities....usually Cade is the cautious one and Brooks is the adventuresome one...not this time though!!

They all had a great time though...we were off to eat lunch and then we took some time at Lake Houston, looking off a pier.


Then we took the boys to play on a local playground. 
We had a fun weekend in Houston swimming, playing, eating and visiting! We were missing Dani, but she will be home in a few days from her mom's house for the rest of the summer!! 

Until next time! 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Swimming Lessons-Round 2

Round two of swimming lessons began with Mrs. Elkie on July 7th!! The boys took lessons every week day for two weeks.

The first day wasn't too bad since they recently had lessons with Mr. Collin and were doing great swimming!! They even got in the water alone without Mrs. Elkie there to warm up!! 
I got a thumbs up from both of them!

A shot of the pool....this is their second year to have lessons here. 
The chlorine content was very high in the water, so we had to get both boys some goggles to wear. Luckily Dani wasn't in town so Cade got to wear Dani's and Brooks got to wear daddy's old ones!

On day 3 they were still smiling!! 
Cade got sick on day 4 and 5 so he had to sit out a couple of days!
The second week we extended their lessons by 15 minutes to make up the time and they both did excellent!!
They were kicking and using their arms. We tried to teach Cade how to lift his head up and breathe, but he couldn't quite get the hang of it!
Brooks amazed Mrs. Elkie again this year with his speed through the water. She predicts he is going to be a fabulous swimmer!! Cade is great too, he has a great stroke for a kid his age!!

They were doing so great mommy rewarded them with camouflage, superman swimsuits!!

 Day 9 went just as good as every other day!! Make sure you tune in to the video to see how great they really did at their lessons!!
The boys missed out on their last day because it was raining too hard. Mrs. Elkie delivered their certificates and fish cookies to mom at work....the boys were so excited!! The worked so hard and swam great!! We are  hoping these lessons will pay off...I think they will!! We are going to the beach in a few weeks so we will see how much they remember!

Stay tuned for more swimming adventures!