Friday, July 26, 2013

Funny Story Friday

There are some new sheriffs in town!!

I told them to show me their mean faces....and this is what I got!! Watch out, these sheriffs mean business!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Welcome Home Dani!

 We were so excited for Dani to come home from her summer visit at her mom's house that we decided to decorate her bedroom as a welcome home present!! The boys were great helpers!

We all tried to wait patiently for Dani's arrival!! 

She loved her surprise and the boys had so much fun throwing the balloons at her when she came in the door!! It is great to have her back home, finally! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Swimming Lessons-Take 2

So we decided to sign the boys up for swimming lessons for an additional week....
My friend's son, Collin, is in college and came home for a month this summer and is an experienced swimming teacher. We decided that Cade needed a second round of instruction since he was so upset throughout the last set of lessons, so we went ahead and sent both boys for take 2 of swimming lessons!  
Day 1:
They cried the whole way to swim lessons, which luckily was not as far in distance this time since they were in Zachary!! Once they got there, they were crying so Josh and I just handed them off and went to hide in the pool house so that we could observe the misery!
Much to our surprise, Collin had Cade calmed down and swimming within 10 minutes. Cade was listening to what he was telling him to do, throwing diving rings into the deep end, going 5 feet under to get the rings, and kicking and moving his arms while swimming!!!!! HUGE improvement from the last lessons he took about a month ago!!!!!!!
Brooks did great as well!! Mrs. Amie had to get in the water to help out with the lessons so she was with Brooks most of the time. They are just having to work with him on staying horizontal and moving his arms and legs together so that he moves through the water more quickly.......he cried some throughout because he didn't like that they were making him stay above the water, but he still did awesome for being 2 years old!!!!
Day 2:
They wimpered a little on the way to swim lessons, but once they got in the water they had a blast and did so great!! I am amazed at the difference in Cade especially and his willingness to listen and participate this time.
Josh and I both believe that Mrs. Elkie was definitely necessary to get the boys their initial instruction, but there is something about the new lessons that are better suited for his personality and he is now asking to go back the next day when we leave!! I think we might have a little water bug on our hands after all.....
Brooks is still unsure about it all, but for his age is well advanced in swimming and I know he will continue to just get better as the instruction and practice continues....

Day 3:
Day 4 (Last Day):

Mr. Collin is in the picture above, he was the main teacher and then Mrs. Amie helped when he needed her to! He did such a great job with the boys!! The last day Cade swam across the WHOLE length of the pool...he was kicking and using his arms to swim!! I was amazed at the improvements from the first swim lessons to the end of the second lessons. Brooks loves to jump off the side of the pool and swim as far as he can. He did so awesome too!!
I am so thankful for all of the teachers who took the time and patience to work with Cade and Brooks to teach them such an important lesson of swimming. Be sure to watch the videos to see what the boys learned during their total of three weeks of swim lessons!!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Funny Story Friday

The other day Josh and I were sitting outside on the porch talking while the kids were playing in the water. They were playing with some cups from their sno balls that they had just eaten. Mid conversation, I feel a HUGE rush of water on my HEAD!!!!!! I look over and it is Brooks, as I gasp through the water in my face he immediately comes over to the front of my chair and starts rubbing my leg and repeatedly saying "I sorry mommy, I sorry mommy"!! It literally took me about 10 minutes to gain my composure I was laughing so hard. I couldn't even get mad because it was SO funny....oh that child just makes me laugh and drives me crazy sometimes as well!! With a face like his, it's really hard to get mad at him!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

New Member of the Family

That's right, we are getting a new member of the family on July 26th!!!
We get first pick out of these fox red lab puppies from Wildrose Kennels in Oxford, MS. The name is still up for debate! Aren't they adorable??!!

Stay Tuned....

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Date Night

Daddy and I don't get much face time on the blog, but I had to post about our date night the other night without the kids....
The boys didn't want mommy and daddy to leave....
But date nights without the kids are welcomed on occasion...



We had a great time together and it was nice to get away together, alone, while the boys were at home being well taken care of! They love their babysitter, Ms. Morgan. We are going to miss her when she goes away to college in a few weeks!! 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Funny Story Friday

We were riding in the car the other day and Cade was playing with his doodle pad....
All of a sudden he says "Look mom I drew a picture of you and RaRa (my mom)".
I am not really sure how he got that out of this, but hey I would say that is a compliment, right??!!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hebert Boys Update

These boys are growing bigger and getting more fun by the day!!
They are the best playmates.....
They love to be silly together....

They are superhero's saving the world together.....

They are fishing buddies....
(Here they were "pretending" to catch BIG fish on our driveway)

They love to help Daddy mow the yard


They potty train together.....
They love to play in Daddy's boots!
Sometimes I love for them to dress alike, just like little men!! They look so handsome.....right??!!  
But they quickly revert back to being little boys and making messes together!!

And lately they have gotten some QT in with their other best buddies Gage and Mason! I have a feeling these boys will be TROUBLE in a couple of years and I am sure they will be filling our lives with many funny memories!!

Update on Cade:
He has found a new hobby of fishing!! He is very impressive with his casting skills and gets so excited when he catches one. He asks to go fishing almost every day, and of course how can daddy resist that precious face??!!
I think he has FINALLY mastered the potty training, well at least #1, we are still working on #2. But I will take the victories when I get them. The other day I caught him pooping in his pants and he said "Mommy this poo poo feels like a cupcake in my pants"!!??? I didn't know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing, regardless we are working on #2 in the potty! 

He continues to have such a caring heart and he has a charming, infectious personality with quite a smile to go with it!!
Although lately we have had the pleasure of experiencing his stubbornness coming out a little more! With swimming and potty training we have figured out that in order to get him to cooperate you have to use the "sink or swim" method. Drop him in the deep end or send him to school in big boy pants and even though he refuses, he is smart enough to realize what he has to do!! Trick is you have to make him think it is his decision and he is not getting made to do something he doesn't want to!! Little stinker....he takes after both mommy and daddy in that area!
He is growing up TOO fast!! The other day he went all day with no potty accidents and then got in the car and buckled his seatbelt all alone...I can say that was a moment that I wish to forget as I realized he is almost a real big boy!! I don't know if I am ready for that??!!
He is all boy who laughs when he poots, manipulates his little brother and then gives you those angel eyes, he loves to walk around singing random songs, he immediately migrates to any mud or water, and loves to ride 4-wheelers, fish and has no problem charming the ladies!

Update on Brooks:
Where do I begin??!! This child NEVER ceases to amaze us. He talks and communicates like a 5 year old. The daycare director tells me often how much he amazes her with his comprehension and communication. Although, he still calls his juice "goose"...we are working on that one, but I think we finally have Cade saying it right now, hehe!
His latest phrase is "Maybe tomorrow??" For instance any question he asks and my answer his "No" he will reply, "Maybe tomorrow?" and my response is usually "Maybe!".  He seems satisfied with that answer, so I have found that is the best response. He constantly asks to go outside so he can sit on the 4-wheeler or "dit" (dirt) bike, so I often have to say "No buddy, not right now"....his response, "Maybe tomorrow??" and mine....well you guessed it, "Maybe!".

He is also learning how to potty train with Cade. And let's not downplay his success, he just turned two in May and is more potty trained than his 3 year old brother!!!! See here for more on this picture and an update on how that is going!!  That little face makes me laugh every. single. time....It is like he is saying "What's wrong mom??". Which this is the perfect example of the face I get every single time he does something wrong....oh the face of innocence!! Although, he is usually far from innocent!!

He is quite the little ham and always entertains us with his silly faces, random little dances and songs that he will walk around singing VERY loudly. His favorite song right now is "I am bringing home a baby bumble bee, won't my mommy be so proud of me?" and he also like "tinkle tinkle". The child loves anything with a motor on it.. Lawn mower, 4-wheeler, dirt bike, etc. the other day at the store he made me go down the aisle with the lawn mowers just to look at them!  He tries to follow in his brother's footsteps and is quite the big boy! He loves to get the stool and turn the lights on and off, ALL ALONE, he does not want to be helped.
These boys continuously fill our days with memories that I hope I never forget, but luckily I try to document most of them and hopefully on day we will appreciate looking back on all of this!!  All of our kids bring so much happiness and joy into our lives. I often sit and reflect on how thankful I am for the many blessing God has given us as a family!
Until the next update......

Monday, July 8, 2013

First Fish!

The boys have really loved fishing lately. One afternoon we took off to feed the ducks some bread..... 
The fish were eating the bread just as quick as the ducks were. So we drove the boys jeep back home and ran to get the fishing poles and daddy! (Mommy doesn't take fish off of the hooks)

We set up the fishing poles......

Daddy hooked on and then let Brooks reel it in all by hisself!! I love his face here....he was so excited!

And he was so proud!!

He even picked it up and threw it back in the water!!

Great job Brooks!