Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Gone Fishin.....

As promised, Daddy took the boys fishing the next night at a pond near our house.
He graduated to a bigger fishing pole since he was doing so well with the other one! Daddy hooked him up with crickets and he took the first cast! 

He threw a couple more casts and....

And he caught his FIRST fish ever on a hook!!!!!!
(make sure to check out the video of him reeling it in, he was so excited!!)
Then it was lil brother's turn! He doesn't quite have the casting down yet, so daddy would throw it out there and let him reel it in. However, he isn't as patient as Cade, so unforuntely he never caught a fish. He gave up shortly after beginning!
Cade however would sit out there for hours if you would let him. Content as could be, casting and reeling!! He is going to be a good little fishing buddy!

He caught three fish total all by himself!! That's more than daddy caught!!  He did let Brooks touch a couple of them....poor fish!


Isn't that the most adorable picture...he was so proud??!!
I love the determindation on his face. The fish was so small it was hard to get your fingers in his mouth...and he didn't want to touch the other parts because daddy said that he could get scratched or poked.

So as soon as he got a grip, the fish slipped out of his hand but little brother was there to quickly scoop him up, disregarding the instruction to "be careful they can poke you" and threw the poor fish back into the lake.....
Yes that is the fish in mid air, which then bounced onto the grass and finally into the lake...poor fish...it was probably traumatized after that!!  

And I had to throw in a couple of shots of Brooks and his boredom!! I looked over at one point and he was chewing on his rubber boots. He then started watching videos on my phone of Cade catching the fish, I guess that was more entertaining?? The difference between their personalities just makes me chuckle sometimes!!

Until next time.... 

Saturday Fun Day #2

We had another fun filled Saturday!!
We started off at the "Fishing Expo" at the Lamar Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales.
Cade has been really into fishing lately and Josh has been extremely impressed by his casting skills. So we thought it would be a fun little activity for the boys and the first 50 kids got a free rod and tackle box, but of course you advertise free and we found out people race to the gate!! So we didn't get there in time for the free stuff, which is probably good the rods were cheap and too big for the boys anyway.  
Daddy hooked Cade's fishing rod up with his first hook ever and a worm. First instructions he said were "wait until I step back before you move the rod"....famous last words!!
Of course, by habit Cade immediately threw the rod back and hooked Daddy right in the shirt....luckily no skin was penetrated.....this time!
After a strick talking to and more instruction, Cade remembered this time to stop, look behind him say "Everybody watch out" and then cast!

If you look closely in the pic below you can see the whole in daddy's shirt where Cade hooked him, hehe!

He cast a couple of times, but no luck!! It was beginning to get hot, so daddy promised another fishing trip soon and we were off to look at boats and the rest of the expo.

Grandpere drove in the night before to participate in the Saturday Fun Day. DD was out of town so we were glad he could join in on the fun!

 The "dream" boat!
Next activity was our swimming birthday party....I took the boys by myself while Josh and his dad drove around and looked at property, so no pictures past this one! But it was super fun and the boys had a blast swimming in the pool! They really enjoyed their orange cake pops too, thank Robert for a fun bday party!!

That night we went to the circus!!

Brooks was really excited!

We had fun eating our cotton candy and watching all of the goofy little stunts and shows. It was not as exciting as I remember the circus and the boys actually got a little bored, mostly probably because they were pooped out from our busy day, but it was still fun!! Their favorite parts were the elephants, motorcycles and the dog show!


The tight wire was impressive!

Whew...what a fun day!! Until next time....

Moving Day!!

It's official...the Goulds have moved to Zachary!!
The boys had fun playing in the yard while we "helped" unpack!! (Brooks just didn't want to take a picture) but they played for a couple of hours and I am not sure how much help we were unpacking with all these little guys, but we attempted to unwrap a few things in the midst of the craziness!

The guys made a couple of box mazes.....

Daddy hid under the paper and popped out to scare the kids....

We are so excited to have out BFF's so close by now and we look forward to many play dates and fun times together!!