Saturday, March 24, 2012

10 Months....


Brook is 10 months old today!!! I can't believe it is only 2 more months until his 1st bday :(

Some of the things he has learned since our 9 month update.....

-He is talking up a storm, he can say mama, dada, duck, dog, bottle, and bye bye

-He has created this crazy army, half crawl where he will hike one leg up halfway and push himself and scoot with his arms...quite interesting to watch!!

-He is eating real table food. So far he has tried noodles with spaghetti sauce, he loves cheerios, pears, bread, noodles, and rice. He thinks he is such a big boy and any time we are eating he thinks he needs to eat it too, so I usually try to cook something that we can give him.

-He eats EVERYTHING in sight...edible, non-edible....I am talking everything!!!

-He is an official "cruiser" meaning he will pull up on things and walk along them, his teachers say he will be walking soon, I think it will probably be around the same time Cade did at 13 months.

-He loves to clap and dance to any music he hears!!

-He has 4 teeth, two top, two bottom!!

-He LOVES food now, which a drastic change from last month. He is a growing boy and he loves to eat every 2-3 hours now.

-He is on a 2 nap schedule now, once in the morning and once in the afternoon

-He LOVES his brother and sister, he thinks they are so funny and he wants to be a big boy so bad so he can run around and play with them

-He can drink out of a sippy cup now, but we only give him water and juice in it, he still drinks his bottle for his milk

-He is starting to learn the word "No"

-He is still quite a momma's boy, if I leave his sight he screams like I am leaving him forever and comes crawling to find me. We call him our drama queen.....he gets pretty worked up about the littlest things.

-He also LOVES his daddy, he has now associated daddy=fun, he gets so excited when he sees him. He thinks he is such a big boy when daddy holds him on his sholder, he just talks and jabbers away like he is talking to the world, it's cute!!

-He is our talker and he has no fear!! I think most of the no fear comes from watching Cade do things and he just thinks he is a big boy and can do what his big brother does, he has found out the hard way a couple of times, that he isn't a big boy just yet.....

Here is a comparison of Cade and Brooks at 10 months.....

Brooks....                                                                        Cade.....

Friday, March 23, 2012

Funny Story Friday

What is going on around the Hebert household??

We have been outside a lot enjoying the beautiful weather.....

Brooks is learning how to eat REAL table food...he thinks he is such a big boy and believes he should eat everything we do....(Memom, you will be happy to know the baby feeding ban has been lifted, with restrictions ):) So far he has had green beans, cheerios (his new favorite), pears, cheese, bread, cookie, and he tries to sneak everything Cade eats....we found him munching on some leftover pizza crust the other night. Cade also tries to feed share his food with Brooks which I think is sweet, but we have to be careful b/c we don't want him choking!!

He is also pulling up on EVERYTHING, getting into EVERYTHING and talking ALOT!!! Duck is his newest has made daddy proud....
Cade has been learning the ropes about fishing lately, and we recently had his first biting incident as daycare. We still haven't figured out why he did it but he had his first trip to the office on Monday for biting a child TWICE!!! We had a talk when I picked him up that day, he just kept his head down and wouldn't look at me...haha he knew what I was saying.....he hasn't done it again....let's hope that was a one time thing!!

Cade is also talking ALOT as well....he can say his ABC's, count to 12, identify any animal along with the sound it makes, and he is starting to put together sentences!! He is a smart lil dude...he gets that from his daddy :)

He will be 2 in TWO WEEKS!!! How time flies....

Dani has mastered catching lizards, beetles, and becoming a true country girl all while becoming a beautiful young lady!! We enjoyed our time with her over spring break and look forward to having her around a lot this summer!!! She is a great help and the boys love having her around....

Other things that have been going on.....

 We have been learning how to share......
 But it isn't always successful........usually ends up in someone crying :)

Let me tell you, bathtime now is NO fun....they fight over who gets to play in the water??!!! and Cade does NOT want to share HIS water......
He says "NO, MINE..."

 We are starting the stages of "terrible twos" with someone....CADE!!! Temper tantrums and him saying "NO" is a regular occurrance now, it's not quite time for the belt to come out yet, but man it's getting closer each day. He loves to tell Brooks "No...shh...." whule pointing at him, Brooks proceeds to laugh which in turn makes Cade laugh so sometimes it is quite entertaining.

They love playing and laughing together!! Cade LOVES to tickle Brooks, he doesn't even have to hardly touch him and Brooks starts laughing!! 
 Cade loves to teach Brooks things....animal noises, ABC's, he will read to him, he doesn't pass up many opportunities to teach his brother everything he is super cute :) And Brooks just soaks it all up b/c he thinks his brother is so cool!!

We share lots of laughs....
And there are plenty of smiles and love for everyone....

We are SO blessed with our happy, beautiful, smart, healthy, loving and amazing children...thank you God for our many blessings!!!!

We are looking forward to the Easter bunny coming, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ,  birthday parties, lots of family visiting, summertime and the end of tax season...YIPEE!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Daddy-Daughter Banquet

On Saturday night, Josh and Dani attended their first Daddy/Daughter banquet at our church, First Baptist Zachary. They seemed to have a lot of fun and came home with some YUMMY cupcakes!!! They had dinner, chatted together and with other dads & daughters and made a bookmark & charm bracelet. Don't they look wonderful??!! Like I told one of my friends, it is about time to get our shotguns out b/c Dani is turning into one beautiful young lady!!! STAY BACK BOYS!!!!

 These were my dates for the night, complete with lots of slobbery kisses :)

Prom pose....(Thanks to Hollie for sending me these pics :)) 

Monday, March 19, 2012

SB 2K12

Dani had Spring Break last week....we flew her in for the week on Monday. We got to ride the escalator and elevator about 20 times while we were waiting on FUN...j/k it got old REAL quick, not for Cade though, he thought it was so awesome!!!
We tried to take advantage of the daylight savings time.....feeding some ducks in the neighborhood pond...

Playing outside....daddy rigged up the scooter to pull the wagon, the boys and Dani thought it was so much fun!!

Josh took off all week to spend time with Dani. You can see that there are no pics from their time together :) But I tried to make up for it when I was there. They did go to Dogwood Creek for one night and rode 4 wheelers and played in the creek and even stopped up the sewer tank and had to clean it out before coming home...GROSS!!!

Friday night we went to the annual Zachary Z-fest, or as Cade called it, is a carnival with lots of fun rides, games, music, and food they do each year in Zachary....

Rode some bumper cars, Dani didn't want to bump into people so I had to take over the wheel and teach her how to really drive the bumper cars.....

Saturday we had an outside fun day, swimming and just playing......

Brooks in his baby speedo....this was right before he peed on the mat, apparently they do not soak up anything, but he looks so cute....right??!!

Cade was napping....don't worry he joined in later for the fun!!

Yay...Cade woke up!!

Dani is trying to catch a lizard here.....

She did NOT want to touch it, but daddy wouldn't let her give up...I don't blame her, I don't like them either....

She got is the proof!!!

 Daddy brought the lizard to the boys to play with in the water....
 Cade was not so sure, but Brooks was like give me that thing!!
 He even let it crawl on him....which completely weirded Cade out!!!

Everyone got glow sticks for St. Patrick's Day, we were in the dark but you couldn't tell b/c the camera day I will figure out how to turn that off :)

Saturday night Josh and Dani went to the Daddy/daughter banquet at our church (see the next post for more on that) when they got home we had some left over Zfest we headed back for one more round!! (NOTE: please excuse the poor quality of the pics, they were taken with my ghetto phone...)

This was right before Brooks fell asleep for the second night in a row at Zfest....he is saying you people are crazy!!!

Sunday we went to church and Dani got her crawfish fix before she went home.....YUMMY!!!