Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter from the Heberts!!
(Dani was with her mom still for Spring Break, so I included a pic of her in her beautiful dress on Easter morning!)

And I couldn't help but to share these pics from our Easter morning before church, Brooks was not in the mood!!

Despite Brooks being upset, we did reflect on this day on how thankful we are for the true meaning of Easter!!!
I think our door decor says it perfectly!!!
We are so thankful for the sacrifice that we are so undeserving of that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save YOU and ME!!! How awesome is that?!!
Luke 24:5-6

Friday, March 29, 2013

Egg Hunt Central

The boys have been all into hunting eggs this year!!
Here are a few pictures of several egg hunts we enjoyed with the kids...
Sunday School picnic....
Cade was more interested in the playground, so I didn't get any pics of him hunting his eggs....

They also had a little egg hunt with their best buddies, Gage and Mason.
This time Brooks refused to participate until he saw they had candy inside!  
Cade had a blast though!! His eggs were falling out of his basket he had so many....

Looking forward to soon having their best buddies living around the corner in a few months!! Stay tuned for the big move in June!!
Until next year.....

Daycare Easter Egg Hunts

It is time for the boys Easter parties at daycare!!
I signed up to bring cupcakes to both of their parties, so thanks to Pinterest, I saw this super cute idea to make little "Easter baskets" out of cookies. The day before the parties, Dani and I made them together.
We gathered all of our ingredients and started whipping up the cookies. We chose to do 2 dozen sugar and 2 dozed chocolate chip cookies.

The Pinterest recipe called for green cocanut, but being that I was feeding 2-3 year olds, Dani came up with the idea to use green icing, so we did!! We got some key lime icing and then added the sweet tart jelly beans on top!!
Here is our finished product....

It was quite the hit for the party!! It was the perfect mixture of sweet and sour and the kids, parents, and teachers all loved them!! Luckily I made a few extra and kept them at home because we had ZERO left over!

This year it was tough because their parties started at the same time, egg hunts were on seperate playgrounds and their parties were in seperate classrooms. Luckily Josh was able to get off so it was a juggling act to try and see both boys at the right times for their egg hunts. It did turn out that Brooks class had to wait for another class to finish egg hunting before they could go out so we were able to watch Cade race to get his eggs and then run over to watch Brooks......
Brooks and his friends got to eat their food first....

While Cade's class got ready to go and find all of their eggs!! Mrs. Fronick had to lay down the rules for them though before they started....NO OPENING THE EGGS!! Ha, yeah right!

Cade had so much fun with all of his friends hunting easter eggs!!

Then it was Brooks turn!

Both boys found a lot of eggs and had a great time!!

Then Brooks started being silly and showing off his for us!

 Then Cade's class had their party....
His favorite was mommy's cupcakes!!

We had fun watching the boys on their first egg hunt of the year!!
When we got home they snuck on top of their playhouse and ate some of their easter egg candy!! Sneaky sneaky!!

Until next time....

Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Day in the Outdoors

A couple of weeks ago DD and Grandpere came in town and we had a fun day at Uncle Steve's camp in St. Francisville playing in the country!!
They boys were dressed for the day in their cute little camo and overalls with their rubber boots!!

They went fishing and boat riding....

They got to eat lunch like little country boys.....


Played like little boys for a while with sticks and dirt....



Then they took a little nap so daddy took mommy and Dani for an adventurous 4-wheeler ride to which Dani said was the most fun we had all year and we should make sure we do something like that at LEAST once a year!! 
Of course we got stuck a couple of we got to stand back and watch while my hunky hubby got the 4-wheeler unstuck....I have to admit this took me back to my college days!! SO FUN!

Then we loaded up the guns and went to the "shooting range".....styling with our ear muffs of course!

After some enticing from Josh, and maybe having to take her behind the barn for a little "pull it together" talk, Dani shot the 22 rifle....afterwards saying that it wasn't that bad and then asking to shoot it more. She was scared that it would kick too hard, but then realized it didn't and it was actually fun....GIRLS!



Then it was my turn to shoot the big guns!! Josh got a new AR gun from his dad as a gift so that was the real reason we went to the camp I think, but he nicely let me take a couple of shots!! I think I need to work on my form, but hopefully I will never have to really use one of these guns! 

And then reluctantly Dani shot it as well, but after one shot, she was done!

Fun day at the camp!
Until next time....