Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cade's 2nd Birthday Party

Cade's 2nd Birthday celebration was on Saturday, April 21st. 

Our theme for birthday #2 was fish because Cade enjoys going fishing so much right now. You can see my little sign below hung from the fish net and there is a fish with a picture for each month of Cade since he was born, 0-24 months. I decorated with blues and brown and I thought it turned out very cute!! It was very windy and was actually quite cool for late April but it didn't rain so I was happy!! Cade seemed to have a great time and that's what counts!!!

(Many thanks to Uncle Justin for taking all these great pictures at the party!!)

The birthday cake turned out super cute and it was very yummy!!

Birthday Boy!!!
 Family Picture....(right before Brooks went to sleep for the rest of the party)

Cade playing with some of his friends.....

Playing the magnetic fishing game....

Time to open presents.....

The bike daddy and mommy got you for your birthday, there are no pedals to help teach you how to balance before you get on a real bike.

Make a wish.....

Cake Time....Briggs even got in on the cake eating....

Play time....

Me and my little nephew Briggs...isn't he adorable??!!!       Aunt Mandie attended through skype

Thanks again to everyone for coming and making my little man's birthday party so special!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Cade!!! We love you!!!!!


PB&J sandwiches (cut out in the shape of fish)
Mini hot dogs and meatballs in BBQ sauce
Goldfish & Gummie Worms
Cheese, crackers and pepperoni (the cheese were cut in the shape of the fish)
Blue lemonade punch with fish floating in it
Pudding with crushed oreos & gummie worms (for the "bait")

Party Favors:

colored fishing nets with goldfish & sour gummie worms


Daddy & Mommy-Honda bike
RaRa & Poppa & Uncle Russ-Glider for the swingset
Grandpere & DD-Drum set, Lincoln Logs, & doodle pad
Uncle Justin, Aunt Iris, & Briggs-Beach towels monogrammed and placemats, sprinkler, & water balloons
Uncle Baine & Aunt Mandie-Pop up book
Uncle T, Auntie Heather, Gage & Mason-Beach towels monogrammed
Momma Jean-Animal barn game for the refrigerator and camo Crocs
Great Pa & Gramme-money
Memom & Mr. Lige-Books
Noah & Anna Claire-Shirt & Shorts
Wyatt & Keniann-Tonka Truck
Andi & Grady-book & puzzle
Evans & Benjamin-splash pad & beach ball
Mr. Charles & Mrs. Rosemary-bubbles & chalk

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

11 Months Old

Brooks is 11 months old today!!!

I keep telling Josh that I really think God made him extra cute because he is going to be B-A-D!!!

It looks like he is going to have hazel/green out ladies, those eyes are BEAUTIFUL!!

We also think he is going to be left handed, just like his daddy :) He seems to favor using that hand to eat and pick things up.

He is completely off of baby food now because he refuses to eat it....he is just ready to be a big boy so he basically eats everything we do, cut up really small, as long as it isn't too spicy. The child LOVES to you can see above he was eating lasagna, you don't even get him in the chair before he is grabbing for his food and cramming it in his mouth.  

He is talking more now, it is hard to make out his words but he likes to try and repeat things we say. So far he can say dada, mama, bye bye, duck, dog, uh oh, and he tries to say Cade.

He loves to point...that is the first thing he does when we go outside is point in the air. He loves to clap, dance to music and wave bye bye.

He let go and took one step for the first time last night!!! Just one step closer to walking and man are we in trouble once he can walk!! He has been "cruising" for a couple of months now by walking around holding onto things.

He likes to eat EVERYTHING (edible or not)!!! The other day he ate a LIVE june bug.....yes it was alive, swallowed the bug and then threw it back up with his bottle that he had just drank and the june bug was swimming around in the milk....DISGUSTING!!! Let's just say we are getting really good about digging things out of his mouth.

He is very curious and gets into everything. You have to keep an extra close eye on this kid b/c he is sneaky!!

He still crawls on one leg and then slides his knee under him with the other, I don't know if he will ever officially start crawling b/c he is pretty quick the way he does it.

He loves the water and he loves being outside.

He has zero fear and no perception of danger. I am pretty sure he would just jump right off of things if I didn't stop him....Cade was never like that, he at least would realize that there was a big drop off. Brooks just wants to get what he wants and it doesn't matter how he gets there.

He still LOVES his big brother and he has no problem over powering him either. If he wants something Cade has, he can usually get it (especially if is is food)....I am sure this will probably only get more physical, if I had to guess, in the years to come!!

Temper tantrums....oh yes they have arrived, if he doesn't get his way, that lip pokes out, head slams to the ground and the screaming erupts!!

I love every minute with this child...his smile is infectious and watching him learn and explore is a true joy!! I love kissing right under his little chin, which makes him belly laugh so hard!! My favorite time of day is picking my boys up from daycare because they get so excited and those sweet little smiling faces make my day!!!

I am thankful for God blessing our lives with him and I try to remember to cherish EVERY moment with my sweet, smart, mischievous, healthy, happy little man!!!  

Brooks First Haircut

Brooks got his first haircut on Friday April 19, 2012 at the Ruby Salon by Katey Slaughter....he was such a big boy, he didn't cry at all!!! Katey kept him busy by giving him a comb to play with while she snipped away!!