Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Resurrection Eggs

At Easter this year I decided to make some "Resurrection Eggs" for the kids to help tell the Easter story. The boys are still a little young, but Dani had never heard the Easter story told this way and I was excited to share it with her especially.

I remember when I was a child and my mom would share the Easter story with us and the children's group at church and I always LOVED every year hearing the story told this way....it kept my interest as a child because I was hanging on what was going to be in the next egg...of course after a couple of years I knew the story well but I still loved to hear it just as much!

I did organize mine a little different from my mom's, but in the future I am hoping to add to my props to make my story more similar to her's.

To start off I got an empty egg carton and 12 smaller eggs + 1 golden egg.

I numbered the eggs 1-12 and in each egg there is a prop and a Bible passage on a piece of paper folded in order of progression that tells the Easter story.

Here is how my story goes:

Egg #1: Piece of Bread, Mark 14:22-25 (The Last Supper)

Egg #2: Silver egg with 30 silver coins, Matthew 26:14-16 (Judas' betrayal of Jesus)

Egg #3: Purple Cloth, Mark 15:16-20

Egg #4: Crown of Thorns Mark 15:16-20

Egg #5: Rope, Mark 15:15

Egg #6: Wooden Cross, Matthew 27: 32

Egg #7: 3 Nails, John 20:25

Egg #8: Sign: Matthew 27:35-37

Egg #9: Sponge soaked in vinegar, John 21:28-30

Egg #10: Sword, John 21:32-35

Egg #11: White Cloth & Rock, Matthew 27:57-60 & Mark 15:46

Egg #12: EMPTY-The tomb is empty Jesus has risen!!!! Matthew 28:1-7

Golden Egg: John 3:16 & Romans 10:8-10 This egg is more when you are sharing the story in a group and it is meant to symbolize Heaven and the golden streets we will one day walk down when we meet Jesus face to face!! (It is meant to help you share the story of salvation with those that are lost.)

I told the story using my eggs on the night before Easter morning and Dani opened every egg and then I made her look up the scripture (instead of using the paper) because I wanted her to know where the story was in the Bible. She really enjoyed it and you could tell she was so curious what was in the next egg.

 Cade was also pretty into the story, every time we would put an egg back in the carton he would take it to Josh and say "WOW" every single time! They would open an egg and Josh would tell him a little bit about it...it amazes me how much they comprehend at that age!! Hopefully he understood it a little bit :)

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