Friday, April 6, 2012



Weight: 30 lbs.
Height: 2ft. 10 inches

Some fun facts about you at the age of 2:
You can say all of your ABC's, count to 12 (you can go farther we just can't quite understand you :)), say your colors, shapes and animals. You also know all of the animal sounds very well.

You are talking very well, sometimes we have no idea what you are saying but we can usually figure it out if you repeat yourself several times. Famous words are "NO BOOKS!!" (meaning NO BROOKS) or lately it's "MOVE BOOKS!!"  

You are very opinionated and you are beginning your stages of the "TERRIBLE 2'S" I think....if you don't get your way you can throw a little tantrum, but you normally get over it pretty quick :)

You love to teach Brooks everything you know. You also love to show other people things you know or things you have. Like when people come over you will show them your toys one by one. Your teachers at daycare say that you will sit on the floor and the other kids will sit around you and you will start teaching them things like letters or numbers and they all sit there and listen and clap.

Your favorite food is still pizza.

You love playing outside, fishing, being a boy, playing the Ipad, and playing with you brother and sister. You also still love to watch Mickey Mouse. Your favorite toy right now is your fishing rod or any type of ball. We are working with you on catching the ball but you have a pretty good arm on might take after your uncle Russ!

You are quite the show off but you are very shy when it comes to large crowds until you get warmed up and then it's no holding back.

 I CANNOT believe it has already been two years....oh how the time has flown by!! On this day two years ago, the Lord blessed us by putting you in our lives, our first born son!! The feeling of when I held you in my arms on that day will forever be engraved in my mind. My heart was immediately filled with joy and overwhelming love for you in a way that I had never felt before!! I will also never forget the look on your dad's face when he held you for the first eyes fill with tears just thinking about that moment...It was like he was immediately proud of you just for being born!!

Over the past two years you have filled our lives with so many memories that will forever be cherished. I love watching you learn new things every day, you amaze me by how incredibly smart you are and the things you know at the age of 2!! I LOVE watching you interact with Brooks and Dani and to see how much you all love each other. It melts my heart when all you want is your mommy to hold you and love on you and I love it when you get so excited to see your daddy, he teaches you so many things and he can always make you laugh so hard!! I love you so much and look forward to watching you grow up in the years to come. Thank you God for blessing our lives with this precious, handsome, smart, sweet baby boy!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

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