Friday, March 16, 2012

Funny Story Friday

So two nights ago Brooks woke up in the middle of the night crying at around 4:30 a.m. and when it is that early I just usually put him in the bed with us. My alarm went off at about 6:00 a.m. Josh is off all week with Dani so he didn't have to get up that morning.  I shook him and told him to keep his arm around Brooks, he said "ok" in a very groggy voice and I preceded to get in the shower, I normally keep the bedroom door open just so I can keep an extra eye on them but that morning I didn't b/c I was trying to keep the light out of their eyes......I was about to step foot into the shower and I hear a loud boom, Josh saying "oh my gosh, oh my gosh...and then Brooks crying" Can I tell you my heart stopped for a few seconds......

I RAN into the bedroom to find Brooks on the floor, thankfully there were pillows on the floor right next to the bed that he landed on, Josh is hanging over the side of the bed trying to reach him and I am just outright frantic b/c it scared me to DEATH!!! I mean I hear stories all the time of their kids falling off the bed but you just say it would never happen to my child....well it did that morning!!! I figured out later that the loud thump I heard wasn't Brooks it was the baby monitor that fell on the floor when he caught the cord on his way down to the pillows.....

Josh is a pretty hard sleeper, so I should have known better. He was very quick to remind me that now we are even now since I hit Cade's head on the faucet when he was a baby..... Luckily Brooks was not injured at all and thankfully it wasn't as bad as it could have been....lesson learned, no more sleeping in the bed with daddy :)

After I stopped shaking (30 minutes later) we were able to laugh about it......I am sure Brooks at the time didn't think it was very funny, he cried for a few seconds just because I think it scared him so bad falling that far...poor buddy!!! I had to stop and thank God for his protection on our little buddy that morning, I NEVER pile the pillows on that side of the bed and for some reason the night before I did....that's either a mother's intuition, luck or I like to think it was God's protection over my little man!!

Some of you may not have thought that story was me at the time I didn't either, so to round off my "Funny Story Friday".... here is a funny pic from this morning of the boys....Brooks stole Cade's apple jack...haha....

Also, a quick reminder, don't forget to wear your green tomorrow for St. Patrick's Day so you don't get pinched!! They both had parties at daycare today...don't they look cute in their green??!!

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