Friday, December 2, 2011

6 months!!!

I cannot believe that Brooks is already 6 months!! On Thanksgiving this year he had his first ever half-year birthday!! Now this little guy is something to be thankful for!! He is always so happy and he is truly the best baby in the world, very easy going, rarely cries unless he is hungry or sleepy, and did I mention he is always happy!!  It amazes me how much faster time flies by when you have children. That is why you have to soak up and enjoy every second you get to have with them!!
This week we had Brooks 6 month check-up with Dr. Talbot...we LOVE her!!! Look how cute my little man is....little did he know that he was going to get FOUR shots!!! Poor baby he got a 102 fever that night from those stupid things! He handled it like a champ though, he only cried for about 30 seconds and then decided he should just give up and go to sleep.

(Picture side note: Josh said it looks like someone whipped him in the case you noticed I want to assure you that the red marks are just from me holding him)

Here are his measurements for his 6 month visit:

Head Cir: 46 cm (97th %...yes we all know my kids have BIG heads!!)

Weight: 17 lb 13 oz (50th %)

Height: 26 1/4 (between 25-50 %)

His 6 month accomplishments would be:

sitting for more than 10 seconds with no assistance
rolling EVERYWHERE!!! This child can roll across the room faster than you can say Brooks!
laughing out loud
standing on feet, he likes to jump on his tippy toes
reaches for objects he wants
puts EVERYTHING in his mouth
jabbers, coos, screams, squeels...he is a talkative little guy
eating solid food
takes 7 oz. of baby forumla every three hours
started trying to hold his own bottle
sleeps through the night (which he has done since he was 3 weeks old)
facial recongnition (he gets so excited when he sees me or daddy pick him up at daycare or come home at night....highlight of my day!!!)
starting seperation anxiety

We also noticed this week that he is getting his FIRST TEETH!!!! He has two teeth popping in on the bottom. He is right on track with his older brother who got his first teeth at six months.

Speaking of older brother everyone always tells me that they look so much alike and even act similar. I pulled a picture of Cade at 6 months so you can be the judge of how similar they really look....I would say it's pretty close, big head and all :)

Cade's six month measurements were:

Head: 45 cm

Weight: 17 lbs. 2.5 oz.

Length: 27 inches

They are pretty close in their stats!!

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