Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cade 2011

Since I started blogging at the beginning of December, I wanted to do a summary of 2011 for each of the kids....

Cade 2011 in summary:

9 months

First swim at DD & Grandpere's house in January
Raiding the Pantry & first real food (green beans and he hated them...haha!!)

First real haircut by Kayte Slaughter at Avery Lane Salon in Zachary

10 Months

11 Months

12 Months

Easter Sunday

1st Birthday Party

You loved your first four wheeler that daddy & mommy got you for your first birthday!!!

1 year old Pictures....such a big boy!!

13 Months
(You started walking at 13 1/2 months....two weeks before your new brother arrived!)

You got dedicated at church on May 8th, 2011 on Mother's Day

Playing at the park and relaxing on my brother waiting for him to arrive!!
I love this picture.....Daddy was supposed to be watching you and he thought I was watching you....this is how we found you!!! Caught in the act :)

May 24, are a big brother!!!!

First fish you caught with reeled it in yourself at Uncle Steve's house in St. Francisville....

14 Months:

Sorry...couldn't resist :)
15 Months:

You nicknamed your pacifier "Bob"....

Daddy made you your still love it today!

16 Months:

This pic is right after you had the dreaded hand, foot, mouth disease...poor baby you got it everywhere!!!

17 Months

18 Months

                                                                                were the "honey badger"...

19 Months

First mud ride with Daddy on the four wheeler.....

20 Months

First bath time fun together :)

Merry Christmas!!

Some fun facts about Cade:

(Old milestones for documentation purposes)
First smile: 5 weeks
Discovered hands: 10 weeks
Holding head up: 11 weeks
First Laugh: 11 weeks
Started cereal at 3.5 months
Picks up objects: 3 months
Rollover: 3.5 months
First baby food: 4 months (applesauce), your favorite food is sweet pots and pears)
Discovered feet: 4.5 months
Sitting up: 6 months
First tooth: 6 months (2 on the bottom)
First babble: 6 months, "dada"
Favorite toy: apple toy, walker/jumper, you liked daddy to sing to you, you smiled ALL the time, you loved playing on the ground, rolling, and kicking
Scooting: 6.5 months
Crawling: 7 months
Pull up: 7 months
Stand up: 7.5 months

For 2011:
9 months:
-First real food was eggs and you hated them!!
-favorite food is sweet potatoes, you HATE vegetables and will not eat them unless sweet pots are mixed with them
-started training you to drink out of a sippy cup
-you had a fascination with head butting people at 9 months
-your favorite toy was your racetrack, toolshop, and you LOVE going outside
-you were and still are all hit things, pull stuff over, you are very tough!
-you had 6 teeth
-you can wave bye-bye, clap your hands
-your favorite food was sweet potatoes
-first real word-"dog"

10 months:
-you started standing on your own and started walking with toys
12 months:
-you had 12 teeth
-words you can say: "dada, mama, ball, duck, uh-oh, bye bye, dog"
-loves outside, water, animals, riding your 4-wheeler, pointing at objects, and you LOVE to dance at any music you hear (especially mickey mouse)
-learning how to walk
-eating table food and drinking real milk on your first birthday
-started sleeping through the night consistently

13 months:
-nicknamed your pacifier "Bob"
-started walking well on your own two weeks before Brooks arrived

15 months:
-you had 14 teeth
-love being outside, balls, ducks, hitting things
-words: baby, mama, dada, Dani, dog, duck, Bob, bath, bye-bye, hey, Rara, uh-oh, DD, that, ball
-you can point to your toes and nose
-you still love to dance when you hear any music
-when we would say "go lay down" or "night night" you would cry and go lay down on the floor and go to sleep (we think you learned this from daycare but it was pretty funny)
-no longer drinks from a bottle
-favorite food is pizza and fruit

18 months:
-running everywhere, very active
-no more "Bob" (pacifier)
-you have a very good vocabulary
-love playing the Ipad and Iphone
-you love to learn (reading, looking at pictures, talking)
-you have a sense of accomplishment when you do something good
-you like to show off when people are around
-starting to have more of an opinion about your wants and dislikes
-you like to talk to Brooks and share your toys and sometimes not share your toys :)
-jealousy behavior beginning
-you are a very happy toddler and usually easy to please
-picky eater, favorite food is pizza & mac & cheese
-learning to follow directions

20 months:
-VERY active and into everything :) (and we love it!!)
-you love playing with blocks, balls, bubbles, playing outside, looking at books, playing on the Ipad & Iphone, watching Mickey Mouse & Phineas & Ferb, playing with daddy and Brooks
-favorite book is "Brown Bear" and "Cookie See Cookie Do"
-favorite food is still pizza, you are a very picky eater at home and will not eat meat or any vegetables however at daycare they say you are a great eater...go figure!!
-you have suddenly became a major momma's boy
-very opinionated (No, don't, look)
-well spoken, although sometimes we scratch our heads at what you are trying to say
-still a picky eater, although daycare says you eat really well
-love playing with your brother and "teaching" him things (pointing and naming things)
-generally you are very happy and a lot of fun to keep up with..busy body!!!
-you like to tell us what everything is such as names of people you know (mama, dada, etc.) body parts (eye, ear, mouth, nose, etc), animal names and noises they make
-we always laugh at you when you do this but you have an obsession with your belly button and like to lift up your shirt and other people's shirts to show them the belly button
-you like to hold your throat and put your hands and other people's hands around your throat...weird!!
-you like us to massage your ears...we like to think this is b/c you have had ear infections...funny boy!!

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