Saturday, May 24, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday Brooks

It's hard for me to comprehend that it has been three years since the day you were born!!! You have brought us indescribable joy and happiness over those last three years!
I still remember the day you were born very clearly!! You were delivered by C-section and born at 8:35 a.m. held first by your daddy and then snuggled by me shortly after!!! You were and still are a beautiful blessing of a child!! So thankful we were chosen to bring you into this world!!

 To say those three years have FLOWN by is an understatement!!
You have turned into our opinionated, charming, happy little man who keeps us on our toes and gives us sweet kisses when we need them the most!!


Some fun facts about Brooks:
You know what you want, whether it is what you wear, eat or do you make sure we know what you want and how you want it done!! There is not a day that goes by now that you don't have any opinion about what you want to wear. And usually you ask for me to take your pictures, which as you know by now I jump at the opportunity!
Your favorite TV show to watch is the Lone Ranger and most days you like to wear your cowboy boots so you can be like him. You get excited watching him fight and "round up" the bad guys!!
Your love for motorcycles is hilarious!! Anytime you see a motorcycle you scream and make sure everyone knows you saw a motorcycle!!! This little obsession is beginning to make me slightly nervous because I know one day soon your daddy is going to want to buy you a mini dirt bike! I was hoping you would grow out of it, but your passion continues to increase!
You love anything and everything outdoors! All you want to do is play outside, ride your jeep and tractor, ride 4-wheelers and play in the dirt. You are your father's child for sure!! You would ride on the lawn mower with your dad all day if he would let you. You would rather ride 4-wheelers all day than stay home and play, watch a movie or play with your friends.
You are a tough little daredevil!! You like to wrestle your older, bigger brother to the ground. Usually you are successful at it! You have no fear of jumping off of things! The other day you were on the top bunk bed and looked at me and said...."I am going to jump mom!!" Luckily I caught you before that happened and we had a stern little talk about just jumping off of things!!! However, if you are uncertain about a situation such as carnival rides or a tall slide, you are very hesitant and cautious at first but then quickly become fearless again!
Your communication skills are that of about a 6 year old, sometimes maybe even older!! You are extremely intelligent for your age and can talk very well. People are always amazed that you are only 3 years old once they hear you speak....which sometimes takes a while because at first impression you are very shy around people you don't know. But once you get comfortable, it is nonstop talking!!
In the car we get a kick out of you because you CONSTANTLY ask questions about everything you see, hear, think or want!!! Sometimes I get in the habit of saying ok and not even realizing what I am answering because you literally do not stop talking!!!! That is  until you fall asleep. You can be jabbering one minute and literally 10 seconds later the car gets quiet and that's when you know, Brooks is asleep! It is the funniest thing!
You have the cutest deep, country voice that combined with that adorable little face will make the meanest person put a smile on their face!!
You love to sing...ALL THE TIME! You can learn a song quicker than me just by listening to it! We have to be careful what is seen and heard by you because you take in all that you hear and see.
Despite your country boy, tough guy nature you can still melt mommy's heart with your sweet kisses and "I love you so much Mommy" EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!!! Which I assume one day, far far, away,  will go over well with the ladies too!

 See below for the yearly birthday questions:
1. What is your favorite color? Pink (Daddy was concerned about this one, but you really do like pink!! We are just hoping that is temporary)
2. What is your favorite toy? The Lone Ranger
3. What is your favorite food? Chicken
4. What is your favorite movie? "My Frozen" (you can literally quote this movie and sing all of the songs)
5. What is your favorite Bible Story? "My God is so BIG" (It is a song, but you got the idea)
6. What school do you go to? "my class with my teachers" (aka Bright Beginnings Daycare)
7. What is your favorite game to play? Basketball
8. What is your favorite snack? animal crackers
9. What is your favorite song? Frozen Heart from Frozen
10. What is your favorite animal? "Chickens...I like a BIG chicken!!"??
11. What is your favorite book? "The Lone Ranger book"
12. Who is your best friend? Grant and Delaysia (friends from daycare)
13. What is your favorite thing to do? Ride 4-wheelers and watch the fire! (bonfire)
14. Who is your favorite superhero? Batman, Robin and bad buy Superman
15. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? flashlight
16. What do you want for dinner for your birthday? Chicken
17. What do you want to be when you grow up? A 4-wheeler man
So for your birthday we let you choose what you wanted to do to celebrate.
Your choice was no shocker at wanted to go to the property, ride 4-wheelers and play in the creek!! So that's exactly what we did! 

And you had a blast!!!!

We even got to go play in the inflatables at a jump house to help celebrate a friends birthday, but you had so much fun doing that!!
That night we invited Gage, Mason, Paiton, and Hudson over for birthday cake!!

You got a few presents from Mom and Dad....
And you concluded your birthday with dressing up like the Avengers!! I would say that was a great 3rd birth day!!!

I made the collage below with some of my many favorite pictures of you over the years!! It was hard to narrow it down since you are so stinking cute!!
We are so grateful for your little life and thankful you are temporarily ours here on this earth!! Thank you God for blessing us with Brooks. Our prayer is that you will continue to exemplify God's grace and love through your life.
I hope that you will always be mommy's little man!!! I love you so much and hope you had a great 3rd birthday!!!

 Until next year!

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