Friday, May 23, 2014

Funny Story Friday

I can't even believe I am posting this as a "Funny Story Friday" but now that I know no one was hurt and nothing was terribly damaged.....I can try to laugh it off a little, which I am sure will get easier with time.
Looking at the picture below you probably wonder what happened??!!
The night before the boy's birthday party we had so much company in town and a lot of cars in the driveway that needed to be shuffled so Josh decided to get a couple of people to help him with that task. Dani was one of them. I asked him not to put her in my car b/c it wasn't a good idea with so many people around, he said he had it under control and for me to go back inside.
So I did, temporarily. I came back out a few minutes later to realize Josh is no where around, Russ (my brother) was standing next to my car with Dani inside and the window rolled down. To me it looked and sounded like Russ was walking her through perfectly how to slowly inch the car out of the carport. As she proceeded to move the car and he told her not to take her foot off the brake....she did and hit the gas instead....SLAMMING my car into the neighbors fence!!!! Yes, I was a witness to this all unfolding.

Thank goodness there were no children around, besides Dani. Josh was moving his truck and apparently had told Dani to stay put until he got back, she didn't listen and started asking my brother how to drive my car, he proceeded to instruct her the right way, and she basically didn't listen to anything anyone told her....which ultimately caused my car to crash, the fence to get flattened and luckily no other major damage happened!!! It could have been a MUCH worse outcome, but let's not talk about that since it wasn't.
The next few days were filled with manual labor for all, pulling nails out of boards, rebuilding the fence, hammering in nails and filling up post holes with concrete.

Hopefully this little crash scared her enough to make her realize the power behind a vehicle. Josh made sure she knows that she should never move any type of vehicle at her age without him being right next to her in the car/vehicle, and she is NEVER allowed to drive my car again!! 

Brooks was quiet the little helper with his hammer and safety glasses. He loves to be right there with his daddy, doing man things!! 

Dani's afternoon homework....hammering nails!! She learned how tough it is when she nailed them  in all crooked, had to pull them out and re-start until it was done right!!

I think everyone learned a lesson with this situation!! I am thankful that no one was seriously hurt and that it was a fixable mistake! However, it did add a stress factor to my life that wasn't there before, we can't always be there for our kids and make every decision for them, they will screw up, we just have to pray and know that God is in control and hope that they come home to us every night!!!
Funny story Friday right....I know it will be laughed about a lot in the future and hopefully will never happen again!!
Until next week! 

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