Saturday, October 5, 2013

Puppy Lovin'


I haven't had an update on Boscoyo lately...but he is getting so big!!! The kids are loving every minute with him and rarely play with their toys when he is around!! You will probably notice there are no pics of him with Dani, he has a special relationship with Dani, and does like to "attack" her when she is around. She is getting better at being tough with him but she also has some pretty good scratch and bite marks to prove his "love" for her!! Hehe. Regardless she loves him and is tolerating him well!

He has been a great puppy and he treats the boys well, for the most part. We have had no major biting or attack issues. He just occasionally nips at them when they run or try to play with him, but that's how he plays too.....Try explaining that to a 2-3 year old! 

Brooks and Boscoyo have a special relationship!! Brooks loves to hug on Boosky and as a result Boosky loves to "love" on Brooks. It is sweet to watch them interact!!  I mean seriously, it doesn't get much cuter than that picture below!!!!! That is one for the wall....if only Brooks was wearing clothes!! Oh well, that's acceptable at 2 right??!!

Occasionally they try to take the puppy for a ride in their jeep or on other toys, but we still have to be careful since he is still a little dog, we don't want them to hurt him accidentally! 

Boscoyo is officially house trained and is learning obedience well!! So far he can sit and come on whistle command.  He heels on the left side while walking. He is also fairly calm for a new puppy, which is a trait of the English labs. He is being trained to be Josh's hunting dog as well, that is why training him properly is so important. He can be a wild little puppy when Josh is not around, but as soon as Josh gets home, he is chills out quickly and doesn't want to leave his sight.

He has not chewed up anything major, just a few toys and occasionally likes to gnaw on the baseboards...but with a little bit of tabasco sauce, that habit has quickly halted!! Hopefully the chewing stage will be over soon now that his baby teeth have fallen out! 


The kids have done good at not feeding him random items. Although occasionally they "drop" things on the floor and if we can't pick it up in time we just have to act like we didn't see it. But fortunately that doesn't happen often. However, the dog LOVES to eat....he literally swallows his food whole because he eats it so fast! I promise we don't starve him....he just is a growing little pup! 

If you know me, you probably know I am not a huge dog person. However, Boscoyo has captured my heart and watching him grow up with the kids is such a joy!! We all love him as our newest addition to the family. He even got to join in on our family pictures this year!!! Stay tuned for more on that...I can't wait to share them!

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