Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hebert Boys Update

These two precious little men are getting too big, too quick!! I know it's been a while since I updated about the boys so here it goes....

For the most part they play well together!! They are each others shadows. If one does something, the other has to do it as well. Sometimes I just love sitting back and watching them interact. 

In the picture below they were sitting under the play house one day just chatting away. Cade would say "So Brooks, what is your favorite color?" and then Brooks would ask Cade a question. It was so cute!!

The other day they were pretending to ride in their jeep to the beach, got two flat tires, fixed them both and then continued to the beach for a fun day in the sand and water!! It was halarious to listen to them conversate!!  

They love to sing in the car...lately we have to play the LSU fight song as we drive through the town and when the song is over we have to play it again. The best part is when it gets to T-I-G-E-R-S, TIGERS!! Brooks doesn't know how to spell it yet so he says "S-S-S-S-S-S, TIGERS". It makes me laugh every. single. time!! When he hears you finally say S he knows it is time to yell TIGERS!

If you turn your back for a second, you usually turn around to a surprise with these two!!

They also love to snuggle together! Don't worry, I won't tell their friends that in a few years. When it comes time to go to bed, more often then not I find them both in the same bed, sometimes all snuggled up together. It's the sweetest thing!!

If I could pick one word to describe what the boys are into right now, it would be superheros. They both love to "play" superheros. They will wrestle and "fight" to see who wins. I don't know where they get this stuff from??! I think it's just one of those things that is embedded in a boy's mind!! 

They are buddies though and it really warms my heart to see them growing up together. They learn so much from each other. Of course they have their moments where they fight and get mad, and I am sure that will get worse with age, but I know at the end of the day, least I hope, they will always remember how much they love each other!

Now for the individual updates: 


He is becoming quite the little character lately!! He has a new found love for his rubber cowboy boots and camo. Most days he will have the boots on from the time he gets out of bed and he does not take them off his feet until bath time at night. It is the cutest thing and he gets plenty of attention anywhere we go with those adorable little things on!!! His fall back option if his camo is not clean is his LSU jersey and his green shorts. He insists that those two colors go together!!

He is so smart, as we already all knew! His teachers always tell me how amazed they are at how much he knows. I credit that to his older brother and sister who are always teaching him new tricks and funny things to say.

He is still quite the momma's boy, but don't let that fool you. He can handle his own and he is a tough, mischievous little guy!!
He comprehends everything you tell him, he can communicate better than most 5 year olds and even when you think he is giving you this blank look like he has no idea what you are saying, don't worry, he is processing every word coming out of your mouth!

He is fully potty trained. He will tell you his favorite color is pink, despite wearing camo every day. He knows his ABC's, numbers, colors and some of his letter sounds. He squeals with excitement when he sees any type of motorcycle, he is obsessed!! He loves to read books, that is the only way you can get him to sit still. He loves to eat ALL-the-time! His favorite food is pizza. He loves to drink coffee and coke (all decaf of course). He  loves to sing very loudly while playing with toys or while riding in the car. He can bust a move better than his daddy. His best friend is Cade. Did I mention he is a momma's boy?! Don't let being 2 1/2 fool you, he can outsmart you in a second if you let him!! It's also really hard to get made at him because he is so stinking adorable.... 


He is OBSESSED with superheros, he must have a superman shirt on at all times or his day is completely ruined!! When I make him wear nice clothes to church the first thing she says when he gets in the car is, can I change my shirt to superman??!! Superman is his favorite right now, although he does venture off on some days with Batman, Spiderman, Captain America and Ironman.  

He has an irrational fear of bandaids, the doctor, dentist, hairdresser, and any other "office" he is unsure of. He will cry from the time I pull into the parking lot until the time he is done with the appointment and then he will insist that he was a big boy and deserves either a sticker, ice cream, or sucker!! After the humiliation I endure, let's just say he rarely gets a reward!!!!!
He is a professional hookey player...meaning he tells me every day his tummy hurts to either get out of trouble or attemption to stay up late. One day he is going to puke on me when he says his tummy hurts and I tell him "No it doesn't, you are fine" but until then, he is the boy who cried "sick".

He has started "reading" by putting sounds together of the letters he sees. The other day we were at PF Changs and he said Chhh Chhh. Last night I was cleaning out their closet of clothes that were too small and there was a Zachary Broncos shirt and he said "Mom this said Br... Br...Bravo"....close, but not quite there yet, still very impressing for a 3.5 year old!!!
He is officially a 3 1/2 year old. His favorite color is red, on most days. I attribute that to his love for superman. He has his first "girlfriend" named Stella, who is in his class at daycare. His best friend is Brooks. His favorite food is a cheese sandwich (grilled cheese). His favorite movie is Moses (its a movie we have saved on the TV about the Bible story of Moses). He loves to sing and dance, or attempt to at least! His comprehension and communication is excellent for his age. He is my little boss and most of the time the rule follower. He is the very hard headed, once he makes his mind up about something it is very difficult to change it. He is very sensitive and gets his feelings hurt easily, however he can also fool you into thinking he was the victim when many times he was the instagator!!     

The "girlfriend", Stella!!

I love both of my little men more than words can explain!!! Most nights when I tuck them in to bed I just sit there and smile at them thanking God for choosing me to be their mommy!! The other night I whispered to Brooks "I love you" as I was tucking him in to bed and he looked at me, put both of his hands on my face and said "I love you too Mommy"....tears immediately filled my eyes!! Hands down one of the sweetest  moments ever with that little man....LOVE them!!!

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