Friday, December 21, 2012

Update from the Hebert House

It's been a while since I have done an update about what is going on in the Hebert household, so I apologize if it is a little long but here it goes.....

Our love for superheros is just beginning I am sure but dressing up is a frequent occurance at our house now...this picture in particular makes me laugh as Cade is pouting because he realized he wanted to be Spiderman once Brooks had on the suit.....oh these are the hard lessons in life!!

Brooks is usually Cade's little shadow...annoying or not he loves being with his big brother!
They also tend to get into to trouble together now!! One day I was on the phone with someone and came into the living room to find this mess...apparently they snuck into the pantry and decided to open a can of veggie puffs....which of course spilled everywhere and then they were chowing down off of the couch and floor!!! I tried to get angry but it was just too funny I had to take a picture.....
One of our their new favorite things to do is to either watch Mickey together in mommy & daddy's bed in the mornings while I get ready for work or somtimes for a special treat we get to all get in the bed and watch a movie before don't let their sweetness fool you, this usually turns into wrestling on the bed which ultimately ends up with one or both having to get off the bed to prevent someone getting kicked in the face or falling off....but it is super cute and sweet while the moment last!!!
They have gotten some fun play time in with their best buddies

As well as some "cuddle" time in daddy's supersize chair!!

They even got some RaRa lovin' last week. She came to help us out for a couple of days!!
The boys playing still love playing outside. On this day in particular, Cade said "Mommy, go get your camera and take a picture"...
Which made me realize how much I say...don't move mommy needs to take a picture....haha, he was right though, how could I pass up an adorable picture moment such as this one??? I can never have too many pictures....
Brooks really loves to ride this bike, which was actually Cade's 2 year old bday present, but Brooks has gotten the hang of riding it and now LOVES I would say he has inherited it early!! You will probably notice it doesn't have peddles but that is because it  is meant to teach them to balance before riding a real bike...daddy modified it with some training wheels for extra support for now.
Cade has started with quite the day on our way to Baton Rouge he was looking out the window with his hands around his eyes like binoculars saying "Mom, I see Lightening McQueen on the sun and Buzz Lightyear on the cloud", another day he said "Mom I see Spiderman flying in the sky" I asked him where Spiderman was going and he said "church"!!

Cade also has a new fascination with pennys...
One day a couple of months ago Josh gave him a penny, and ever since then EVERY SINGLE morning, he ask for "his penny"!! It is really funny because he is so proud of it, he keeps it in his pocket and he will show people when we are in public that he has a penny!! If you try to offer him a quarter, he will usually turn it down and ask for a penny.
BUT if you ask him "whose picture is on a quarter"...he will tell you "George Washington". I was SHOCKED one day when Josh asked him that and he answered, but Josh later told me he taught him that a couple of days earlier, I was still impressed that he knew that!! He never ceases to amaze me with how smart he is!!!!!
Dinner time on the counter....hey sometimes you have to switch it up a little!! They thought it was so much fun!!! 
In the mornings at daycare I drop them off and they get to stay together for a little while before they go to their seperate classes. Some days they are just so precious sitting there so happy together, I just can't pass up the opportunity!!!
And some days, Cade thinks they are so cute that he tells me to "take a picture"....sweet little man, he knows that I love my pictures!!!
And the pic on the right is of them at daycare on their last day before Christmas on pajama day!!!

Side note: Dani hasn't been here that much due to the holidays BUT we are about to have a WHOLE week with her here and WE CAN'T stay tuned for an update on her!!
Until next time.....

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