Tuesday, July 24, 2012



-His newest words are pizza, apple, and stuck...he is talking a lot now!! It is so fun to hear all of his new words that he is learning almost on a daily basis!!

-He can pretty much tell you what he wants by pointing, shaking his head yes or no, or saying the word. He is VERY particular and knows what he wants and how to get it!!

-He is walking, running, climbing, and tripping everywhere!! He loves to climb on Cade's little chair onto the couch and jump! A few times he has done it before I can catch him and he falls off onto the floor...no major bumps yet....but with this little guy, it is only a matter of time!!

-He walks a little crooked because of the way that he crawled, but my pediatric PT friend said that should correct itself over time. In the meantime, he sure does fall down a lot! When he tries to keep up with his brother and walk faster, he usually falls down because he can't quite get his rhythm down.

-He still has NO fear!! Which is scary at times because he has no perception of what could happen if he jumps off of the playhouse....and yes, he tries to do that frequently. You have to be ready at all times to catch this child when he falls, jumps, leaps, or just is casually walking....like I said, it is only a matter of time!!

-He is a biter!! That's right, this sweet little angel face is the troublemaker of the classroom at daycare. He is not doing it as often since his SIX teeth have come in and we have concluded that it is a learned behavior now that he uses when he doesn't get his way. Hopefully we can break this habit soon, for now his pacifier is his best friend especially at daycare!!!

-Speaking of teeth, he has a total of 12 now and is working on getting three more!!

-He has the cutest "fake cry" I have ever seen....he usually does it when you tell him he has to go "Night Night" or when you drop him off at daycare. He scrunches his little face up and does a fake little cry to make you think he is upset....it is HALARIOUS!! (See pic below...)

-He is definitely our hip baby!! He either has to be in a visual view of his mommy/daddy and usually he just wants us to hold him as I cook dinner, clean the house, laundry, clean up....he likes getting attention. He will follow us around screaming and the second we pick him up, he is fine!! Apparently he only does this when either Josh or I are at home because the babysitter says he is always great...hmm!! Can we say SPOILED!!

-His favorite toys are the walking toy, books, balls, foam swords, the four wheeler, and he loves playing outside.

-His favorite food is pretty much.....everything!! He is not crazy about pasta, but so far we haven't found much that he won't eat. Thank goodness he is not a picky eater like his brother.

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