Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy 13 months!!

Happy 13 Months Old Brooks!!!

Brooks is a big boy now....

-He is walking everywhere and getting into everything!! We officially have a toddler on our hands!! His little walk is so cute, because of the way he crawled with one leg tucked under, his walk is a little crooked. We have been told that will correct itself over time :)

-No more bottles for the Hebert's!! It is the first time in two years we haven't had bottles displayed on our kitchen counters...HOORAY!!!

-He has a total of 12 teeth now and he has 5 more currently trying to push through. My poor buddy has been pretty fussy lately with all those teeth coming in!!

-He is talking up a storm now, it is still hard to understand him, of course, but he is a chatterbox!!

-We are trying to get rid of the pacifier, BUT he has become a biter. That's right, he attacks the children at daycare or his brother when he either doesn't get his way or is unhappy about his current situation. He bit me once on my shoulder and it brought me to tears it hurt so bad!! He has a little temper when he doesn't get his way, I wonder where he gets that from???!! So he has to keep his pacifier in at daycare right now to prevent him from biting the other kids. I mean if I was getting 5 teeth at once I would probably want to bite someone too!!

-The child has NO fear and thinks he can do everything that Cade does!! If you take your eye off of him for a second, chances are he will either fall or get into something he isn't supposed to. I see many injuries in his future. He pretty much maintains a bruise somewhere on his head because he falls so much.

-He is a very good baby. He is a little more fussy than normal right now because of the teeth coming in, but he is always a great sleeper and eater. I have always said he is my hip baby, he likes to be held!! He can be screaming one minute and as soon as you pick him up he is a happy boy!!

-Brooks is turning into such a big boy and is growing up too fast!! Our kids are truly a blessing in my life each day and I get so much joy and pleasure out of watching them grow up and learn new things on a daily basis. I am so grateful for their health and happiness and I try my best not to take anything for granted, I am one blessed momma!!!

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