Friday, May 24, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Brooks!!


Some days two years with this little guys seems like it has just flown by and some days it feels like it has been a lot longer than that!!

Fun Facts About Brooks:

Brooks definitely keeps things interesting around the house!! He is Abby Jr. in his looks but Josh Jr. in his actions. He is FULL of energy and always looking for something to get into next. He is the typical little brother and has learned quickly how to push Cade's buttons just right. His attention span is about 2 minutes and then he is off to the next activity.

He is very energetic and loud at home, but when we get in big crowds or around people he doesn't know he is very quiet and usually clings to Josh or I. It is funny to see the two different sides of him, but Josh pointed out the other day that he is like that too, so once again, Josh Jr!!

I am frequently told how well that he can talk and how smart he is. He pretty much says anything that you tell him to, or at least tries. He can communicate just as well if not sometimes better than Cade. The director at the daycare always tells me how sharp he is. She says it amazes her how much and how quickly he interprets what you tell him. One of my favorite words he says is motorcycle (pronounced motorcyclel) and thunder (pronounced funder) and he still calls his juice "goose". I think he talks so well because of Cade being so close in age....well and he is super smart like his daddy!
Brooks loves to play outside and his favorite thing to do is ride is his 4 wheeler. He is obsessed with 4 wheelers and motocycles and daddy's "Dit Bike" (dirt bike)....well he likes them until you turn them on. It is so funny, he would sit on them all day long, but once he hears the loud noise he will scream, cry and RUN!! Josh occasionally makes him ride on them just to try and warm him up to the noises and eventually he usually calms down.

He is not usually a picky eater and is willing to try anything you give him. He frequently requested foods are suckers, fruit snacks, milk, animal crackers, mac & cheese, pizza and baked beans. He also loves to eat ice and Popsicles. He is my little snacker and would continuously eat all day if you let him....I am sure you can tell that by his sweet little belly!! I don't look forward to the grocery bill I will have one day!!

He loves to sing these days. His favorites are Happy Birthday, ABC's and Jesus Loves Me ("Because the Bible tells me NO"...haha).

His favorite toys are usually whatever Cade has!! He does LOVE to read and that is usually the way that I can get him to sit still the longest. He will back his little booty up into my lap and will sit there as long as I let him.

He moved up to the 2 year old classroom a couple of months ago and since then has been working on potty training, learning his ABC's, numbers, shapes and colors. The other day they had him on the potty and they kept asking him if he was done and he finally looked up at his teacher and said "Just give me a minute". They got a big kick out of that one!!

Like I said before he is a precious little ball of energy and rarely stops moving, but I can tell you as soon as that little head hits the pillow...he is OUT!!! He sleeps so good at night and rarely wakes up unless he is sick or needs some extra cuddles....which I enjoy when he is willing because he is NOT my normal cuddler! If I say Brooks come give mommy a kiss...he normally runs the opposite direction! But occasionally he is my little sweet heart and when he gets hurt "My Mommy" is the first thing he says. I love it!!

From his 2 year checkup his stats are:
Weight: 32 lbs 9 oz. (60th %)
Height: 35.63 inches (50th %)
Head: 52.5 cm (still off the charts!)
You got one little finger prick and cried for "your daddy" so we had to call him on the phone to calm you down. But otherwise you did great and checked out perfectly. Developmentally you were off the charts!!

Once you got your sucker you were so proud and said "I did a great job!!" Yes you did buddy!!

Since Brooks can comprehend and talk so well I tried out the annual questions on him, and he answered most of them really well!! I am sure that they would all be different if I asked again, but it was still fun to ask him and watch him process and answer what I was asking.....

What is your favorite color? purple

What is your favorite toy? Choo Choo Train

What is your favorite food? Pizza

What is your favorite movie? The Incredibles

What is your favorite Bible story? The Bible story

What school do you go to? Bright Beginnings Daycare in the 2 year old class, Ms. Eleshia & Mrs. Latoya
What is your favorite game? Mickey & doggies?? (not sure what that is)

What is your favorite snack? teddy bears (teddy grahams)

What if your favorite song? ABC's

What is your favorite animal? giraffe

What is your favorite book? The doggy book (book about Gris Gris)

Who is your best friend? Cade

Who is your favorite superhero? Lizard Man

What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Teddy bear & blanket

You make me so proud to be your mommy and while sometimes I joke that you are my little wild man, I wouldn't change a single thing about you!! You keep my days interesting and always make me smile/laugh every time I think of your gorgeous little face!! I feel so blessed to be your "My Mommy". It makes me tear up to think of you growing up so quickly. I still remember the day that you were born and how amazing that was holding you for the first time!! I pray  for your life daily and I hope that your dad and I teach you how to walk with the Lord by our examples and teachings. I look forward to watching you grow into a Godly little man and I am honored that God chose us as your parents. I love you to infinity and beyond!!!


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