Friday, April 26, 2013

Funny Story Friday

It is NEVER good to come home from the grocery store, knowing that your boys were going fishing at the neighborhood lake, and then pulling up to find this scene!!
I can tell you my heart stopped for a few seconds!
They boys LOVE to go fishing and to feed the ducks at the neighborhood lakes. Cade has always been my cautious one, he never gets too close to the edge and in fact sometimes tells Brooks to be careful because he will fall in.
We have never had an incident before, well except for when I fell in the lake!
So one afternoon Josh took the boys fishing while I went to the grocery store. I came home to see Brooks shoes and clothes soaking wet in the carport! Josh said he just got too close to the edge after multiple warnings that he was too close and just rolled head first into the water. He had to reach in elbow deep and pull him out. After crying for a minute he went right back to fishing. Josh knew though that he needed to quickly react and get him in the tub for two reasons 1. because our lakes are not known for their cleanliness and 2. he knew I would be home soon.

Luckily I came home to a clean little boy and a scary story that gratefully had a much better ending than it could have been!
So we waited a couple of weeks before I was brave enough to let him go back. We did implement a new rule though of Brooks being required to wear a life vest at all times at the lakes.....
Spiderman and sister came along for the fun too.....

But not too longs after we got busy fishing.....PLOP...into the water he went!!
Luckily he popped right up with the life vest on, and daddy did have to rescue him again. As you can see he was not very happy!!

Still scared me stiff, literally....I didn't have a good reaction time at all! I guess he didn't learn his lesson the first time, confirming for all of us that the life vest was a great choice!!
Luckily I have signed both boys up for swim lessons in June!!
Until next time.....well, never mind, let's just hope there isn't a next time!!

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