Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Project "Big Boy Bed"

Monday night was the first night Cade spent in his big boy bed. We started off thinking that he would sleep on the bottom bunk with the trundle pulled out in case he rolled off. Then Cade didn't want to sleep underneath the other bed so we had to un-do the bunk beds and he wound up sleeping on the bed that had all of the railings around it.

He did great the first night. I laid next to him until he went to sleep and he only woke up once.

Night two was not so great....I laid next to him again and then he woke up FOUR times that night. He kept waking up and then when I would go in there he would pat his hand on the bed and say "C'mon, lay down, night night" I mean how cute is that??!! But I realized then that since I was laying down with him to start off he would wake up and not see me there and think I left.....so...

Night three was tonight. I didn't lay down with him I just read him a story and rocked him which was such a sweet moment. I love that little boy so much!!!!! It took me 45 minutes to get him to actually go to sleep. We said our prayers twice for a "good night sleep in his big boy bed". Hopefully they will be answered!!

Updates will be coming...here is a pic from his first night in his big boy bed :) He is growing up too fast...I hate it and love it at the same time!! He looks so tiny in that big bed!!!

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