Sunday, January 15, 2012

Great Weekend

If you have noticed me slacking on my posting that is because my work blocked my blogger website!!! UGH....apparently they had a new "blocking" update where they blocked pretty much all of the websites not relating to our job....but yet they expect us to work 12 hour days with a required one hour lunch break during tax season....can you tell I am annoyed??!! Anyways, I could go on and on about that but let's just get to the point...I will be posting less often b/c I will have to do it from home and well you all know I don't have any spare time when at home with these crazy kids, but I will try my best to work it in as frequently as I can.

Now for the real reason I am posting....we had a great weekend and wanted to post some of our fun pics!! Daddy actually was gone most of the weekend duck hunting so Saturday we stayed at home all day cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, watching lots of Mickey Mouse and playing inside and outside!!

The boys were great for the most part aside from being hungry or tired. Cade helped me "clean" some, and shortly after would put his slimy, snotty little hands back on the mirror or window I just cleaned :) Brooks made his way around the house army crawling to try and keep up....he got to play in the laundry basket and even got into the bathroom trashcan one time...luckily it had just been emptied! Cade tried to feed Brooks dog food (don't worry I caught him just in time!!), we blew lots of bubbles, took a walk around the neighborhood, Cade pulled Brooks in the wagon up and down the street on the sidewalk and took a couple of rides in the cozy truck.

I always love weekends like this when I feel like I get so much accomplished and still have great quality time with my boys!!!

They are really having so much fun together now!! Brooks constantly laughs at Cade and Cade loves to entertain!! These are the moments I have waited for since I knew they were going to be so close in age....and this is only the beginning!!! I am so thankful for my two precious little boys!!

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