Saturday, February 9, 2013

Update on the Hebert Household

We have been battling the sickness here in Zachary. For the most part the boys have had a MUCH improved winter from last year. Mommy actually got sick last weekend with bronchitis so Cade took full advantage of that and requested pizza and yogurt for breakfast....
We are all still recovering, Dani had a day home last week with headache and aches, Cade is now running fever and Brooks is all snotty. Somehow Daddy always avoids the sickness...hmm??!!
In other news.....
We have some major techies on our hands!! As I have said before, they love playing with the Ipad, Iphone, or Itouch. Cade loves to watch movies on my Itouch and they love to play the theme song from Toy Story that I downloaded onto my phone and Brooks loves to play the truck and animal games. Dani sticks to her computer or phone with her games.
Being Silly....
And when they don't get their way, sometimes they pout...
This was at dinner when Brooks wanted to "get down" and Daddy said NO, not until everyone was done eating! This is the reaction we got......No tears, just frowning!
Play doh is our  their new favorite activity.....mommy doesn't enjoy it so much b/c it is messy!!!! But it makes the clean up much easier knowing how much fun they had playing with it.

Brooks has a new obsession with motorcycles!! Anytime he sees one on the street, he SCREAMS so loud that he sees a motorcycle. One of the daycare teachers, Ms. Gloria, gave him some toy motorcycles and I think it is safe to say he is a little attached!! The best thing is the way he says sounds more like "sicocola"???

Both Brooks and Cade love to play with Woody and usually turns out that Brooks gets Woody and Cade gets Buzz.

Dani has been working hard on her homework EVERY night!!!! Josh and I are helping her a lot as well...but her grades are improving and she seems to be enjoying school so far!

Since Dani works on homework a lot in the afternoons, the boys and I try to stay out of her way. The boys have had so much fun playing in their room lately....

And they have been enjoying plenty of outside play time....


This is one of the best energy dispensers EVER!!! Although it usually ends with either one of them on the ground or one of them pictured below!! Hey, who says little brothers are tough??!! 

Riding on the four wheeler or the "Genie" (aka Jeep) around the cul de sac is a daily activity for us now..... 

We are starting to get our routine down with Dani being here. She said her favorite part of being here so far is getting to spend so much time makes me so happy to hear her say that!!!
She is always a huge help and the boys LOVE having her here all the time. Stay tuned for an update just on how Dani is adjusting to life in Zachary!
Until next time.....

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