Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Well we didn't quite make it two weeks and we are "down with the sickness" AGAIN!!! This time both boys have a double ear infection, Cade has double pink eye and Brooks has a stomach virus and I am waiting for the pink eye and stomach virus to swap...I'm sure it will be within the next 48-72 hours.....I am starting to feel a little queasy myself so we will see how that pans out. We are supposed to be going to Houston this weekend to watch Dani at school in her annual talent show, hopefully we can still make the trip minus throw up. Have I ever mentioned how much I DESPISE stomach viruses?? Well if not....just in case you were wondering I HATE them!!!!!!! You never feel like the germs are gone and at any moment puke can come spewing out of their mouths all over you, them and every other porous surface around you.....yea that's exactly what happened to me this was DISGUSTING!!!!!! But then you take one look at their precious little green face and muster up the courage to bust out the towels and Lysol and wipe up that chunky mess all the while feeling sick yourself.....have I completely grossed you out yet??!! Well welcome to my paradise....haha!!

I am so appreciative for a very understanding employer. These last few months have been very taxing on everyone. As always I am still waiting on their immune systems to kick in. Even though they are sick all of the time, it is always something different. I try to do my best to work around everyone and all schedules...juggling work, taking care of the boys to the best of my ability and nursing them back to health, taking care of the household, still trying to enjoy being the mom and of course being a good wife, and also following through with my obligations at our wonderful church although lately I have not been so great about that due to sickness and family is a lot to deal with at times but I take it day by day and sometimes moment by moment and get through it.

Josh and I are both becoming very busy at work so please pray for healing and wellness over the next few months....I have a feeling my employer is not going to be so understanding when we are swamped with tax returns up to our eyeballs. I really do appreciate all of the prayers and support we have gotten from everyone up to this point.

Another quick update....Cade is doing GREAT in his big boy bed. I feel like him waking up so much may have been due to the ear infections. He has been taking his naps in the bed the last few days and sleeping well at night for the most part. He got a good two weeks getting used to his bed since we have been home so much :)

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