Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas Morning 2013

This year we started a new tradition of each child getting three presents and then a stocking. The three presents represents the three gifts that Jesus got from the Wisemen. 

It worked out great, this way the kids didn't get overloaded with presents and we didn't spend as much money. The boys are a little young to grasp the whole meaning of the three presents, but Dani understood and appreciated the idea. I am happy with this new tradition and especially the meaning behind it!

Dani was at her mom's house for Christmas, so it was just the four of us on Christmas morning.

The boy's favorite present was their superheros from Ra-Ra and Poppa!!

The boys three presents were bikes, toy guns and then a swing outside for the swingset. 

We also carried on our tradition of gumbo for Christmas dinner made by no other than Daddy!! 

This was definitely his best batch ever made and I declared it the best gumbo I have EVER had!! Grandpere, DD, Aunt Mandie and Uncle Baine were staying in St. Francisville and came over to have Christmas again and enjoy the delicious gumbo!

The boys had a blast playing with their toys all day long, especially their superheros!

Christmas night we had our second round of present opening with Grandpere and DD.....

The boys got some fun things like LSU Pajamas and a wall tent for their room!
I was VERY surprised and got a new Iphone, which was much needed b/c mine was broken! Daddy got a Ozone bag (sp?) to keep all of his hunting clothes smelling nice and refreshing!! Our main Christmas present was our ski trip coming up over Mardi Gras break!!! We are very excited about that!! 

On December 28th it was time for Dani to arrive home, so we made a welcome home sign and headed to the airport....

Then quickly made it home for Christmas present opening, round 3....

Dani got an Ihome, a sleeping bag and a digital picture frame as her three presents this year! 

The boys got to open their toy guns that we saved for them to open so they wouldn't be left out!

Dani also had a few presents to open from grandparents...she got some awesome roller blades from Memom!
Later that night, Grandpere and DD came over for Christmas present opening, Round 4, Dani included this time!!

The boys got some awesome LSU helmets!!

Dani got a slackline for outside and a fashion designer kit. Aunt Mandie got her a cool pullover for the winter weather!!

We also had a short visit with the Burnham side of the family on Christmas Eve and Memom was able to give the boys the rest of the collection for their Toy Story toys...Jessie, Slinky and Mr. & Mrs. Potato Heads!! They LOVED them!

Christmas was a huge success this year!! We all had a great time spending a lot of family time together. It was a little confusing for the boys when it was all over, they just didn't understand that we weren't opening presents anymore, since we did it a total of 4 times they thought it was just going to go on forever I guess. It's tough the years that Dani is not with us on Christmas Day b/c we have to split everything up so much. I am sure the older they get the better they will understand. 

We are certainly blessed beyond measure and fully appreciate everything that was given and received this year!! 

Merry Christmas to all and we hope that everyone took the time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and the greatest gift of all....Jesus Christ!!!!

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