Saturday, November 24, 2012

18 Months!


The last year and a half has just flown by, what a joy Brooks is in our lives!! He is the sweetest, cutest, most energetic child I know and he sure does keep us young. I always joke that I don't need to work out because keeping up with his pace helps me to stay in shape!
Some fun facts since our last update:
-He weighs 28.5 lbs (75th%) and is 32.5 inches tall (50th %) and developmentally he is off the charts at 23 months!! Here is a pic of him at his checkup..silly boy!!

-His favorite play mate is his brother. He loves to aggravate Cade just like a younger brother should. Anything Cade has he wants and he is usually Cade's shadow, mimicking his every move. Most of the time they get along and it is such a joy getting to watch them grow up together being so close.
-THE BOY LOVES TO EAT!! He is constantly hungry and is very verbal about what he wants. His favorite snack is cheese sticks or fruit snacks. Thankfully he is not a very picky eater, like his brother, he will eat pretty much anything.
-He is talking a lot now and he can pretty much tell you whatever he wants. Today he said "Cade where are you??!" which is the most words in a sentence he has yet to put together.
-He loves to make messes. His favorite thing to do in the afternoons is rummage through the cabinets and drawers pulling everything out one by one and then on to the next mess. He does not stay amused for long.

-He does LOVE to read books and that is how you can get him to sit still the longest. He would sit in your lap for hours and read if you would let him. Such a sweet bonding time for us!! He is so precious because he has to sit in the very center of my lap and he will continue to situate himself until he is perfectly placed. It makes me giggle every time!
-Like I said he is constantly on the go, so he always sleeps well at night! He has always been my dependable sleeper.

-We are working on getting rid of the pacifier. He only gets it at night time and sometimes in the car.

-He used the potty for the first time the other night. Although I am not sure he knew what he was doing. Cade was using the potty and he was just trying to be like his big brother. It's a start though!!

-He is usually a good listener and understands what we say to him. He is really good at giving this sweet little innocent face when he gets in trouble...but it doesn't usually work.

Happy 1 1/2 year little man!! Mommy and daddy love you very much and look forward to many more birthdays and half birthdays with you!!!!!

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