Saturday, November 3, 2012

Update on the kids...

All of our kids have gotten too big too fast, but man are we loving every minute of it!!!
The boys are just two peas in a pod, they love each other so much and it is so precious to watch them grow up together having each other to love on, punch on, bite, hit, wrestle with, and look up to!! They keep us laughing all of the time with the cute things that do together.

Brooks is quite the little ham!! He loves attention and will try to get it any way he can....seriously!! If "MAAAA" doesn't work, he will scream, cry, bite, hit, or make a total unneccessary mess until you give him your undivided attention....hmmm wonder where he got that from???!! 
Food is one of the most dangerous things with him....he will eat pretty much anything and makes a disgusting mess with whatever it is....and then he gives you this little grin (like below) and you can't help but love that little man more than you did the minute before!!!

 Dani is doing so wonderful!! We miss her every day she is not with us. When she is here she has really been enjoying involvement on the PHISH team at our church. She had her first solo a couple of Sundays ago and she stunned the crowd with her beautiful voice!!
(She has on the white pants in the pic below)
She is growing into a beautiful young lady...don't worry, the shotguns are getting polished!!
I had to throw in some recent pics of me with my little men...I mean seriously they are the two cutest little boys I have EVER seen!!! 

This is us on our daily walk!!
Cade has all of a sudden gotten into spiderman and that's all he talks about. He usually has a spiderman in each hand, or lizard man (see pic below). We aren't even really sure where he saw spiderman for the first time, but it is his new interest...let's just say I have mixed feelings about it, but he is a boy and I should have seen this one coming!!

He also loves to wear his spiderman mask (see Halloween post) all the time at home, when he takes a bath, he even tries to wear it while eating but I draw the line when we go into public...which usually turns into a crying fit!! 
Cade has had fun lately dressing up in fun costumes, I waited until after Halloween and bought some really cheap for them to play with
Brooks loves shoes right now....he especially loves to get into our closet and walk around in daddy's shoes.....
And they both love to climb all over Daddy....
(yes, Cade is wearing a Buzz Lightyear costume)
A couple of weeks ago Brooks attended his first Zachary Broncos football game....he loved dancing to the music!!
 That same weekend Cade and I attended the homecoming parade in town, he was having so much fun until he got pelted in the eye with some candy and then we had to retreat to the car to watch from afar!!
Until next time.....

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