Saturday, September 1, 2012

Brotherly Love...

Ever since we found out Brooks was a boy, we have looked forward to moments like these where they would just have fun together and show their brotherly love to each other.....
The next 5 pictures were taken in a matter of about a minute...I love how it starts off with Brooks watching Cade's every move...

Both pondering their next move....
Not sure what Cade is doing here, haha
Watch out Cade...Brooks is getting crazy....
And he is in for the attack....

They always have to dress alike, meaning if Brooks has his shirt off, Cade wants his off too....usually they just both like to run around in their diapers! 
And yet another example of their "brotherly love".... 
 They like to hang out in daddy's chair together....

And play outside together.....


Cade loves to teach Brooks things he knows, like below, he is showing Brooks the school bus...
You can already see that Brooks looks up to Cade as a big brother and Cade does his best to take care of Brooks when necessary. Like the last few weeks Brooks has had a hard time at daycare, Cade will stay in the room with him and make sure he is okay. He sits in the chair next to him and pats his back and says "it's okay Brooks". It is so sweet to see that bond already being created so early!! But of course, there are moments that Cade does like to boss him around and Brooks is the typical little brother and just tries to push Cade's buttons....most of the time though, they are best buddies!!

God sure knew what he was doing when he blessed us with Brooks so close in age to Cade! They are already best buddies and I look forward to watching them grow up together for the rest of their lives!! I hope and pray that these boys will always have each other to love, annoy, depend on and journey through life together!!

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