Sunday, March 15, 2015

Judd's Birth

So Judd was scheduled to come into this world by C-section delivery on March 10th!
Much to our surprise, he chose a different day of arrival on March 8, 2015!!
On March 7th I began having some strange stomach pains when I was on my Walmart trip to stock up the pantry and house with incidentals. I actually stopped in my tracks a few times to let the pain go away...but at the time I just thought it was Judsen moving around a weird way.
As the day went on every couple of hours I continued to have the same pain, but I went about my normal routine doing laundry, dishes, made lunch and dinner. Josh was cleaning up the landscape outside of the house getting ready for all of the family to arrive. My parents were in route from Florida and Josh's sister and parents were on their way from Houston.
That night Josh's family arrived and my parents stopped in Mobile, AL to rest for the night. Around 8 pm I was talking to Josh's mom in our living room and I had the pain again, but this time I realized I couldn't focus on what she was saying to me because it was so intense. That was the moment I first thought, I might be in labor!! So I secretly started timing my contractions which turned out they were about 30 minutes apart.
Josh's parents left for the night to sleep at the camp and Josh's sister and her daughter Adelaide were staying at the house in Dani's room because she was away at her mom's house for the weekend. I decided to tell Josh and Mandie once the house had settled down a little bit that I was pretty sure I was in labor. By 11 pm the contractions were about 25 minutes apart. But I was so tired that I decided to head to bed anyways and I just figured if it was real labor that I would be woken up eventually.
So about 3 am, I had to get up to use the restroom and I had the pain again. So I ventured into the living room so that I could time the pain and they were 15 minutes apart!!! So I decided to call the hospital. Since I was having a section I didn't want to wait too long to go in since the hospital was 45 minutes away. I described my pain to the doctor and she recommended that I come in to the hospital.
What??!! I mean I was pretty sure I was in labor, but at this point I started getting a little anxious, excited, nervous, am I really about to have this baby??!! I mean I was all ready, work was done, groceries were ready, house was clean yard was groomed, family was almost here....OH I picked up my phone and called my parents at 3:30 am....GET IN THE CAR AND DRIVE NOW was about how it went!! They had about 3.5 hours left in their 13 hours trip to get here, thank goodness!!!
I then went to our room and woke Josh up..."It's time!!" He jumped up and was like really??!!  We both took showers, finished packing up our bags, woke up Mandie to watch the kids until Josh's parents could get there, I kissed the boys and off we went to Woman's Hospital!
We got to the hospital and it was officially confirmed, I was in active labor! IT IS BABY DAY PEOPLE!!!! The phone tree was activated! The cool thing about the date is it was Aunt Heather's birthday!!
Once we got settled in a room, I was told they were ready for the section within the next 30 minutes. My parents were still about 1.5 hours away, so I asked if we could wait and luckily since it was Sunday and they weren't busy with Labor and Deliveries, they agreed we could hold off as long as I was comfortable bearing the contractions. It was worth it to me to wait for my parents to get there so my mom could go into the surgery room to capture the special delivery! As I sat and waited with Josh it began to sink in that Judd was coming....within a few hours I would be holding my new baby!!

Meanwhile, the boys came to the hospital with Grandpere, dressed in their big brother shirts, equipped with a lot of questions!! First of which was "Where is the knife to cut the baby out"!! I was glad to see them before we went back! 

The next waive of arrivals were DD and Aunt Mandie and Adelaide.

Friends even made it in time before the delivery. Danielle and Tommy and Heather were first to arrive. Of course we appreciated all of their love, prayers and support! The pastor at church even mentioned that we were having the baby during the church service and they congregation prayed for us. That meant a lot and we could feel the love and prayers being sent our way.

I gave the go ahead for 10:00 am, giving my parents just enough time to pull into the hospital on two wheels, my dad dropped my mom off at the labor and delivery door and she RAN to my room just in time to slip on her scrubs and walk with us to the OR!! Talk about just in time! She said she hasn't run that fast in a long time...hehe!

Epidural went flawless, they laid me down, hooked me up to all the gazillion monitoring machines, and let Josh and my Mom in the room. Once the doctor arrived the surgery began. 

At 10:25 Judsen Evan Hebert was born!!

Another beautiful, perfect baby boy with a head full of black hair!! Weighing in at 7 lbs. 10 oz. and 20.5 inches long!

Our first moments were unforgettable!! It always amazes me how my heart instantly bursts with so much love for such a tiny human being!! 

Not long after we got back to the room, big brothers came back to get the first look of their new baby brother they had waited so long to meet!! This picture is priceless to me!

A funny story about your name:
We originally had your name spelled Juddson and then in the hospital they spelled it wrong on your crib as Juddsen. We discussed it and decided we like the spelling with the "e" better and your dad didn't like two "d"s in your name so we made a last minute change in the spelling of your name to Judsen. Unfortunately I already had a few things monogrammed but not too much so it wasn't a huge change....we only confused people for a short while!

The proud grandmas holding their newest grandson!

Grandpas are next! 

The boys were so funny...Cade was so intersted in the baby, but Brooks was so worried about me and wanted to make sure I was ok! 

We got in a lot of snuggle time over the next couple of days!!

Daddy got to change the first dirty diaper! It is always funny watching him do that. Those first diapers are not pleasant to clean up to begin with, but then watching him do it just adds an extra level of entertainment!! Don't worry, those are pretty much the only diapers he will ever change unless it is an absolute necessity!

Mommy took plenty of pictures over the next few days too!

The next day, Dani finally was able to meet her newest baby brother! She is officially the oldest of 8 kids now between our house and her mom's house! 

Aunt Mandie and Adelaide came back up too for another visit! 
First family photo!! 
Day 2 we got the news that we could go home if we preferred. Usually when you have a section they like you to stay three days, but at this point we were pros, so we decided to take the get out of jail card and go home free!
You got all dressed up for your trip home.....looking good!!


You were so precious all strapped in your car seat. The same car seat your brothers came home in.....and you came home to the same house all of  your brothers came home to! We might have looked a little more rough coming home this time, but we were honestly just ready to get home so our concerns about our looks weren't first on the list...obviously!
Welcome Home Judd!! We hope and pray that this world is only your temporary home, that you live a long, happy, healthy life. We love you so much and we are so grateful that God chose to loan us you and he chose us to be your parents!! We can't wait to watch you grow up in this crazy household of ours we call Home!
Stay tuned for more updates and adventures of our now, family of six!!

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