Monday, March 18, 2013

Potty Training Update

We are still S T R uggling with potty training Cade!!!
I recently started this new potty training chart hoping that getting to put stickers on the chart would entice him to want to use the potty WRONG!! He just simply doesn't want to use the potty unless HE wants to!! I have tried Candy, stickers, jumping up and down with excitement like a crazy momma, high fives, and even bribery with ice cream....but nothing seems to intrigue him past his simple stubborn personality. Hmm...I wonder where he gets that from??!!

I mentioned that he moved up to the three year old class and they don't have a changing table in that class so he has to go to the potty at least once during the day. He cries while he sits on the potty, but he I guess you can say that is semi-potty trained. Sometimes at home he wants to potty but I just try to let him do it at his own pace.

Surprisingly though, Brooks has surpassed Cade in the potty training area. He is using the potty all day every day at school!! I guess he picked up on me trying to train Cade and just became interested and now he pretty much has it down!! Cade will watch Brooks use the potty at home and get so excited for him and tell him "Good Job Brooks!!" and then when you ask if he wants to use the potty, "NO".....

So as we continue to struggle with potty training, I will keep updating and hopefully one day soon I can report no more diapers for everyone!!
Until then.....

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