Monday, January 14, 2013

Potty Training Update

Yep that's what you think it is haha!!
This is Cade's FIRST poop....
He is going to love me one day for this one :)
Funny story, we have been slowly working on potty training. One weekend we were in Houston and Josh's parents were watching the boys while Josh and I were on a date night. We came back to find this treasure waiting on us!! We of course praised him and made a huge deal of him pooping in the potty....I am pretty sure I have never been so happy about poop before in my life!! And honestly I thought it was a joke a first...I mean it was kind of large for such a little guy...haha!! Ok now that I have officially grossed everyone out that is reading this, enough about that.....
So we recently tried out the big boy pants this past Saturday.....
That is until we all got sidetracked playing outside and I forgot about him not having a diaper and he used the potty on himself...woops!! We immediately switched to pull ups, but he did great all day and never had a wet diaper again!

He told us when he needed to potty and every time he would go!

Brooks even took will be his turn soon!! He already tries to go when Cade does and sometimes he succeeds....maybe he will be trained much earlier than his big brother!

It is still a work in progress. He has yet to use the potty anywhere but home and DD's house. When he wants to go #2 he still finds his little corner where no one can "see" him and refuses to go to the potty for that. He screams if we try to take him to the potty at daycare so until he is willing to do all of that we are still just going to have to casually train on the weekends. He is doing great though and he will get the hang of it one day, we are in no rush!!
Until next time....

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