Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Houston Trip

Last weekend we went to Houston for a visit. We had a great time and I realize I am really late on posting this but we had a crazy week last week and then with Gris Gris' accident so I am a little behind.

Friday night (Feb 3rd) we went to Dani's talent show at her school. She was in two different acts. The first one was an "audition" for American's Got Talent and she pretended to be auditioning for a dance part and she was just a really bad dancer, on purpose :) The second act she did was to sing Carrie Underwood's "Undo it". She did great!! She got a little giggly at the end of her song but she still did a great job.......

Dani with two of her friends before the show
Silly girls!!
DD and Grandpere enjoying the g-babies
Dani on her "America's Got Talent" Audition
Here she is mid-dance move...NICE!
getting ready to sing it out.....
She is a natural....aside from the laughing :) She really did do good!!

The next day we had a day at the house, it was raining most of the day so we tried to stay inside.....Dani however got in trouble for something and spankings don't work on her anymore so her punishment was "intense" training by dad....up downs, squats, and rolling through the yard back and forth (I am sure there is a technical name for that one but not sure what it is). She actually enjoyed the exercising and then got to jump in the heated pool when it was all done. He was hoping she would be sore and remember her punishment over the next few days, however she was not and he was sore from just showing her the exercises....better luck next time dad :)

Then we all went swimming....it was Brooks first swim...he LOVED it!!

I love his little scrunchy face smile in this picture...so cute!!
Cade finally woke up from his nap and was able to join in on the fun....

That child loves the water!!!
So does our Dani girl!!
All of the family joined in on the fun....even me!!! (not pictured here but I am later)

Family Pic...although Cade was a little pre-occupied
Large family group pic, minus DD
Then we had a little inside fun, just playing...I love Brooks happy little face here....he smiles every time he sees a camera
Happy boy!!!
another happy boy!!!
Such a great big sister...she loves her brothers and they love her!!
Cute boys!!!
Cade was trying to catch his balloon.....
And here we have Aunt Mandie and Uncle Baine's farewell pictures. They bought their first home (pictured above) and yes it is a van.....they are taking about 6 months to travel around the US and Canada rock climbing and sightseeing before they settle into Colorado for a few years for grad/PHD school. They are living out of their van and you can see here they have it packed tight but very organized. They are laying on their bed and have storage all underneath. You can follow their blog here....they put daily updates up about their travels....we will miss them!!

Happy boy on the trip home....they were ready to get out of the car....we had a couple of break down moments!!
And here we are finally back home....glad to play outside. As you will notice you can see Gris Gris on his house in the background....this was his last picture....we miss you Gris Gris!!!!
Uh oh...someone is trying to escape to get outside!!!

It was a great trip to Houston....until next time......

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures- especially the ones of Brooks's scrunchy face. Those are my favorites :). We had fun with y'all in H-town and wish we could have been at Dogwood Creek on Sunday.
