Saturday, December 31, 2011

Brooks 2011

Brooks 2011 in summary:

Here are some pictures of me pregnant before Brooks arrived

15 weeks....

At 17 weeks we went and got an ultrasound to find out if the new baby was a boy or a girl. We went to First Glimpse in Baton Rouge. We were 3 days away from Christmas so we decided to get the ultrasound tech to seal the sex reveal in an envelope and we would all open it on Christmas morning! Those of you who know me know how impatient I am so that was the three longest days EVER!!! When we opened it this is what we saw.....

22 weeks!                                                                    23 weeks and Cade is 10 months old!

25 weeks!                                                                     26 weeks!

28 weeks!                                                                             35 weeks!

May 24, 2011

Brooks was our little surprise!! I never in my wildest dreams would have thought I would have two kids this close together but what a blessing it has been. I can't imagine life any other way!!!
Brooks birth was a scheduled c-section (because I had a c-section for Cade it was the safest option) for the morning of the 24th. We arrived at 5:30 a.m. and we checked in, got the epidural and at 8:25 a.m. Brooks made his arrival into this world!! He weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces and he was 21 inches long. Enjoy the pics from this amazing day!!

Birth Announcement

1-4 weeks old

1 Month
What a good big brother!!

Month 2

Brooks had his surgery at the end of July...he handled it like a champ and did great!

Month 3

Month 4


Month 5

Brooks was dedicated at church on November 13th, 2011


Month 6              

                                                                                    starting to sit up all by yourself!

You graduated to the big bathtub...bathtime is more fun with brother now!!

Your first Christmas....

Fun facts about Brooks:

Sleeping through the night: 3 weeks
First smile: 6 weeks
Discovered hands: 6 weeks (love to suck on your hands)
Picks up objects: 2.5 months

4 months:
-First laugh
-Rollover (now you are rolling everywhere!!)
-First baby food (pears), although you really didn't start liking it until you were 5 months

5 months:
-you love watching Cade
-laughs a lot
-reaching for everything!
-you can put your paci in your mouth on your own
-you have a very chilled out personality, easy baby!!

6 months:
-first tooth (on the bottom)
-rolling everywhere, you will roll to anything you want to get
-talking, cooing, squeling, first babble word is "dadadada"
-you are a very verbal baby
-sitting up
-standing up on feet
-very happy baby!!
-can hold your own bottle
-reach for anything and everything in sight
-you love your brother and laugh at him all the time
-facial recognition
-favorite toy is the apple to chew on and your jumper
-favorite food is your still aren't huge on baby food and prefer taking a bottle instead

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