So after my post of such a great weekend...Cade starts running a high fever of 103, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, wheezing, fussy, not sleeping, you name it, he had it!! I can't say I knew it wasn't coming b/c it had been exactly two weeks from us being at the doctor which was a record for us from the past few months. So, Monday morning we were in the doctor's office to find out they both have RSV which is a respiratory virus that is NO FUN and basically has the same symptoms as the flu!! They have no energy, are fussy, achy, soar throat, as well as the above symptoms I listed. The worst part is, it is a virus so there is no treatment. Basically you treat the fever with Advil and Tylenol and then we use this bad boy below for our breathing treatments to help control the cough and wheezing....

We have had this since Cade was a baby and we use it often. Pretty much anytime the weather changes Cade has to get a few puffs at least once a day. The doc says they have an increased chance of being diagnosed with asthma when they have these issues starting so young but they don't actually diagnose it until 2....his wheezing has gotten better over the last few months so we are hoping we can stop using this thing soon!!! I guess the little face on the end is supposed to make the kids more willing to "enjoy" the treatments.....not the case....they still scream bloody murder!!
So we have had some fun days with both of them being sick....both wanting mommy at the same time, very fussy, not great appetites, lots of Popsicles, unending snot and slobber, constant Mickey Mouse (I am pretty sure I have every episode memorized), puzzles, no sleeping....yesterday I finally just put them both in the car and went for a drive b/c I could tell they were both sleepy but neither would stop crying....WHEW!! On the bright side I get lots of cuddling and they make you feel very loved and needed when they are sick like this. Last night Josh and I had to split up sleeping with each baby b/c both of them had to be propped up to sleep and not choke on their snot or cough to death (not literally, just an exaggeration). I had Cade who woke up at 4 AM!!!! and luckily Brooks slept until 6:30 but apparently he was tossing and turning all night to get comfy. So not much rest for us around here lately!!
These kids are worth it though. I really wouldn't rather be doing anything else right now. At times you want to pull your hair out when the non stop crying won't end or you don't even have enough time to pee on the toilet before someone is either following you or crying b/c you left. Poor Brooks has been scooting all over this house trying to find me at times just to hold him...poor baby!!
These days have not gone by without some memories though.....
Cade had a love affair with a sucker at the doctor's office on Monday. No really, I have never seen anyone eat a sucker like this before. After every lick he would smack his lips and follow up with a "MMMMM". By the end of the sucker he was seriously about to fall asleep, we still don't know if it is because the sucker was so good or because he was just that tired but It was hilarious, the doctor got to witness that part!! After he was finished with his sucker he went back up to the desk and asked for "stickers"...that do they learn this stuff so early??!! The girls at the front desk were even amazed that he cared about stickers..."We have never seen a child so young care about getting stickers, that is so adorable" which of course got him a bonus sticker for being so cute :)
Cade has started using a new word....he will do something not so nice to Brooks and then he will bend down and say "Sorry" and then give me the puppy eyes that makes it ok. I have to admit the first time I witnessed it, I knew Brooks wasn't hurt so I laughed a little but it has come down to Cade getting into trouble....which in turn causes more crying!! There has been a lot of crying these last few days....
We have also had to work ALOT at sharing.....I was hoping because they are so close in age this issue wouldn't be as big of a deal but gees, it is starting younger than I thought and it is worse than I imagined. Even Brooks gets into it and will practically climb on top of Cade to get what he wants back from didn't take him long to figure out he is going to have to be tough!!
Here are some pics of the boys....
Brooks has started waving to cute and he has been doing this for about a week now but yesterday we went to my office to get my computer and he was waving at everyone....such a little heartbreaker :)
You can see Cade still has the "sick eyes"...poor buddy!!
Did I mention this chair has become my BFF? It is the only place I can comfortably hold both of them when they have their mommy "freak out moment", and it rocks (literally and figuratively), so if I am lucky one or both will fall asleep!!
and here is the proof that it works :)
And this wild long as he has tylenol/advil in his system he is still going 90 to nothing......
Luckily the boys are on the mend and hopefully we will be back to normal (temporarily I feel sure) by tomorrow or Thursday.....well aside from the coughing, the doc said that could last up to a month....yipee!! People keep telling me they are going to have rock solid immune systems.....maybe one day theirs will kick in, until then....I will be enjoying my sick baby cuddle time :)
As a side note, just a few quick stats from the doctor visit..... Cade weighed in at 29 pounds and 11 oz and Brooks was at 19 pounds and 12 oz.